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"So Reagan, how was your day?" I sat in the chair across from Collins with my arms crossed, playing with the hem of my skirt. 

"Rae?" Collins tried again but I didn't acknowledge her. My day wasn't going how I would like it too, yet again. 

I was more fascinated with my oval shaped black nails, I played with my outfit. My goal was to not look Collins in the eyes, I failed. As always.

"Reagan, what happened?" Collins question, a soft caring look on her face. Her tone was warm and smooth, like chocolate. I knew I had to reply, I always felt rude or wrong if I didn't.

I sighed. "Everything is wrong. You know the deal, I have no one. Who knows where my dad is, my mom is a hooker on the corner. She comes home, you know what happens. At school people are rude, no one even looks at me as a living human, I am merely an object that sees everything. No one stays, you know the deal."

Collins took notes on my tone, she isn't surprised by my monotone or rambling list at all. She's probably heard it about a billion times.

"Look, Collins, I really don't want to be here right now, can--can I just go?" I asked, my voice shaky, it was Thursday and I needed a plan to where I was going to stay that night, probably my car. 

Many people think it's strange that my parents absolutely hate me and I have a car, well, before they hated me and showed a little bit of affection, I knew they didn't like me very much. I knew that they tried a little to be okay parents. Birthday's and Christmases I would get money from them, since everyday they would show less affection it was time to save up. I used to work at the senior home when I was 13 till I was 15, I worked at a coffee shop, I baby sat. I did probably any job just to get away from my house. So now I have a car. 

Collins call me back to my attention. "Reagan," my eyes went back to her dark complexion, "I am going to sign you up for a teenage support group, people with similar experiences , people who just want to talk, I'm sure one of them will stay, maybe you'll make friends."

I crossed my arms, rolled my eyes, and sighed. "Way to make my life worst, Lins!" I pulled my backpack over my shoulder and stomped out to the lobby of the healthcare center.

As I walked out, I saw him. He was standing at the pharmacy as Nancy, the pharmacist, handed him a bag of prescription. What was he doing here? I've been coming here for years and have never seen him. He turned away from Nancy with a throaty laugh until he made eye contact with me. His face fell, then he smiled and walked towards me. I couldn't move, my mouth stayed agape, and my eyes were wide. 

"Hey, " he grinned and  was at loss for words.

"H-hi." I said shyly because no one ever talked to me directly, especially people from school.

"You're Reagan, Reagan Winters, right?" my face fell, he knew my name, he is probably gonna make fun of me now. I nodded anyway. "We have Calc, together. I'm Niall just in case you didn't know." 

There was a few short seconds of silence, but they felt like hours, I finally spoke. "Wh- What are you doing here?" I needed to make conversation, I didn't want to seem super awkward.

"Uh my pain meds and asthma, I also come for physical therapy because I had a knee surgery in January. I have really bad knees." he chuckled. "What about you?"

"Uh... councilor." I whispered.

"Oh that's cool," his phone made a sound while he glanced at it and I stood there awkwardly, he smiled down at his phone, "I gotta go, it was nice talking to you Winters, you seem like a pretty cool person."

"B-Bye." I stuttered, and he was gone.


wassup brotha?

sorry I didn't update in like two weeks, highschool sucks... a lot

but I'll try to update weekly.

love you guys, remember to vote and comment bc that would be really rad.


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