Eve's Daughter (Women's series)

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Is it what God intended,
when he created Adam and Eve?
That Eve became man's pet, less than a minor
In some parts of the world?
Downtrodden, rightless?
I appeal to you sense of justice and fairness,
What are we to you?
Every time a woman is abused,
Every time you stay silent,
Every time you let do
Every time you close your eyes
Thinking , ''this is happening far from here,
Not my business.''
Look at me, look at her, look at them.
What do you see?
Sex on legs?
A maid?
A breeder?
A punchbag?
Or do you see
The other half of yourself
Not better, not less,
Different yet the same .
Adam completed Eve
Eve completed Adam.
Together, they made the world.
O Mankind, throw away all the religious
And cultural texts
Which make Eve a second class citizen.
Give her back her rights
Honour her as she should be.
I am Eve's daughter
And I want my daughters
To walk this earth
In dignity
And without fear.
Is this really too much to ask?

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