Chapter 1

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"Ughh!" I groan crawling out of bed after my mom shook me out of sleep for the hundreth time. I head to the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror and realize I have mud caked on my skin and leaves and small branches stuck in my hair. This isn't the first time this has happened to me.
Last year after my father died I've had this dream I'm running through the woods for my life but I never know what I'm running from or who. It's probably just a nightmare from the pain I still feel from my father's death even though it was a year ago.
I remove the leaves from my hair and jump into the shower. After a quick shower, washing the dirt off my face, and brushing my teeth. I head to my room where I grab an old pair of jeans and my fave purple t- shirt, then I jell the front of my hair putting it into a puff on the top of my head.
I head downstairs where my mom and little brother are eating breakfast. As I walk over to the table I kiss my mother on the cheek and tussle my brother's hair. When my father died I vowed to be a better daughter and not fight with my brother like I used to do. I wanted to grow up a little faster for him even though I'm only a sixteen year old girl and him being only five. My mother already has enough stress and anxiety already working two jobs and having to come home late every night.
"Good morning," I say with a soft smile and I grab a waffle and pour myself some orange juice as I sit down. "Ready for your first day back to school Tara," mom says with a tired smile back. "No," I say only half joking and reach for some bacon and eggs to go with my waffle and I pray over my food before digging in.
After breakfast, I grab my school bag and head out to catch my bus, when I get off the bus and head to my locker, but today somethiing didn't feel right and the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Growing up in the city of New York I'm used to the atmosphere changing everyday, there's always something new. But this feeling was different like the feeling of being watched and know who's watching you.

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