Chapter 3

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I couldn't focus at all the rest of the class period. Finally when the bell rang I packed up and was the first one out the door. Honestly, if I really believed that Ky wasn't really the guy from my dreams, why was I so quick to leave class? Why does he freak me out?
Out in the hall, after willing my body to slow and my mind with it. I realize everyone especially girls from all ages and grades have seen a glimpse of him. "... Hot," I catch the end of a girls sentence knowing exact who's she's referring to. I just shake my head and walk to make class glad he won't be there.
The rest of the day was pretty decent I didn't see Ky for the rest of the day. I was planning in getting a ride home from the bus as he pulled his car toward me as I walk over to the buses.
I sigh, biting my lip a nervous habit from when I was little.
"Hey, you bumped into me earlier," he says with a grin. "I know I apologized for it what do you want I have to go," I shift from foot to foot ready to end this conversation. "I was wondering if I could give you a ride?" He asks. "We don't even know each other why would I get in a car with you?" I look him straight in his face. He shrugs "True, but I thought it would be a great way to get to know each other better." I sigh, exasperated, "Fine, take me straight home." I get in the car put on my seat belt and we speed off.
Finally getting home, I'm actually surprised at how much we had in common. I wave to him goodbye as he drives off and walk inside. We talked a lot on the way to my house and seemed to hit it off. I'm about to head up to my room to start my homework when I realize the house is eerily quiet. I take a look around the house and realize my mom and brother aren't home which is odd.
The next minute when I turn around I see something like a small black hole start opening up. Paper, utensils, and furniture start flying toward the hole the wider it gets. I try to grab something stable to keep from flying into the hole, but my efforts are frugal. Finally, I'm able to grab onto the edge the wall between our kitchen and living space. everything flies into the hole without relenting. It feels like hours before the hole closes up and crash to the floor and black out.

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