Chapter 4

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Opening my eyes, all I see is darkness and I feel a sinking feeling, a panic surges through me and I'm about to scream when a door is opened filling the small, dark room with light.

"Where am I?," I ask the silhouette walking toward me. I panic and slide back on the icy concrete floor. I inhale a sharp breathe then, because the voice is familiar. Ky speaks "I found you lying unconscious and transported you here." He must of seen the look of confusion on my face because he sighed and sat next to me on the bed. He looks at me and says " I'm what's called a seeker we travel through time trying to fix what's been messed with by people known as reapers that's what I was sent to your time for".

I sit there trying to understand and digest the words Ty spoke. None of it made sense but deep inside I know it's true like I'd known this before he told me like I'd lived this life. I was about to ask him to explain more when a woman with long curly red hair burst into the room. "Ty, we need you at the meeting," she rushes back out after relaying her message. Ty got up and headed to the door but before leaving he said " I'll be back to bring food and something to drink and explain the rest later." 

I sat back contemplating what else he could possibly explain to me maybe this isn"t real and I'm having one of my dreams again. I've dreampt of the past and the future so vividly I could've sworn it was real. Laying on my side my eyes droop with sleep and I close my eyes and till woken up again hours later.

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