author Introduction (at the second page because why the fuck not)

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dear tiny readers of mine ,
yes, it might be weird to have an introduction at the second page, whereas the first one was definitely a fanfiction that I wrote weeks,, or maybe a month ago.

A Graveyard Date was supposed to be uploaded/published in archiveofourown with the same pen name deadsince197666,  but under some circumstances that I may not reveal, it is now published in this site/app.

i'm not new to wattpad myself, but I left years ago. though I have returned (with a fresh new pen name) to write more and publish more shitty stories of some fandoms / bandons that no one even cared.

but besides that, the whole point of this exact 'chapter' of this 'oNeshOt bOoK' is to fully introduce myself.

hi , im deadsince19766. i dont have a nickname for you all to call me or to shorten my exact nom de guerre , (is it even a pseudonym if I just put numbers on it? no. Its now, and an obvious username) but if it were to reduce the energy to type out that, then itd be 'deadsins' if that  would work. it sounds nice. yes, call me deadsins for short.

i will introduce bands that i love , music and bands of any genre, as well as obscure writing of fan fictions that are, deliberately,  most self indulgent things some writers would do.

although some writers may write for the satisfaction of their readers, and yet i do not have anyone but my personal friends whom dont even take interest in my shitty, low-graded fan-fiction stories. but if you are reading this, and want more of my writing and/or fanfictions, then thank you, i am flattered. i will now have a reason to write more.

what had personally lead me to all this band-fiction writing (yes, its now called band-fiction. (C) deadsince197666.) was, well, the rumored, theorized homosexual gay love spreaded through fandom-to-fandom, piece to piece... i mean, who wouldnt like some fresh bromance? fangirling / fanboying and fanfictions existed since the late , and early 2000s, whereas shipping band members were a normal thing, and x-readers are another subgenre of it that i, myself, despise.

besides bands, i write things that are a little trending for the 'fandom' community. things such as video games, cartoon series, tv shows, books, and movies. besides writing fan fiction, I, myself, also write original stories with original characters, as writing is a part of my main hobby (but author's block is always a big, shitty problem).

it is sad that i do not enjoy Harry Potter, Vampire Diaries, Twilight Series, Walking Dead, Riverdale, Game of Thrones, and as exciting as they sound, i do not write about them, because i was born a boring person.

genres that I enjoy when it comes to story writing and fan fiction is romance. yes, that main thing that keeps me alive. but no romance is good itself without adventure. action. drama. a little horror on the side, and, of course, comedy.

you say that i roleplay? well yes thats true, its in my bio as well. my roleplaying style is the same as my writing style.

in that note, as straightforward and blunt that i sound in here , i am actually a loving and friendly person (wow, really?) both off and online. i accept feedbacks from experienced writers, take constructive criticism at heart, and take hate comments formally (such as:: delete comment, forget about it.) im pretty laid-back as so to say, stoic maybe, but more of a ' yeah, okay. i dont care' guy. if you were to say something rude, like a diss, with greater profanity, ( i mean, dont get me wrong. i live for swear words and love them, but using them as hate speeches arent kind of my thing, especially when its in a loud, bigotic way) then the delete hammer  will turn you to thanos dust. no one wants negativity in a comment section of a fan fiction chapter. 

now heres my favorite part:::: talking about bands. bands bands bands, before i started to like them, i listened to taylor swift, because taylor swift IS QUEEN. one direction may be a band, dont get me wrong ilovethem, but as a kid, i wasnt yet ready to know a more heavier music genre. until i took a dark turn, and found the savior::: My Chemical Romance.

after i discovered that bunch of emo bundle packs , i took a more darker turn, in fact, had to walk through the gates of Hell, and there it goes, Metallica.

not going to put them off like this, but in fact, list them off for my fanboying purposes like a bitch-ass to waste your time. (Ijustwantaninternetfriendthatlistenstothesameshitasme)

Bands that I certainly love
My Chemical Romance (some alt. rock shit, 'emo' , as stated by the others, but nothing is more emo than Simple plan and FM Static)
Green Day (punk rock, the beggining of stoned 18 year old dads in the late '89.)
Slipknot (the beggining of me turning into a metalhead. nu-metal and heavy metal shit.)
Mötley Crüe (80's heavy metal, with the rockstars dressing up in drag and in beautiful outfits)
Guns n' Roses (the literal beggining of me liking rock, introduced by my uncle himself. SHANANANANANNANANA KNEES, KNEES)
Murderdolls (the beginning of the end, which i would ((homosexually)) swoon over Jordison wearing a fucking skirt!)
Weezer (yes, amazing indie shit!)

XAVLEGBMAOFFFASSSSITIMIWOAMNDUTROABCWAPWAEIIPPOHFFFX (Full name:  Acidic Vaginal Liquid Explosion Generated By Mass Amounts Of Filthy Fecal Fisting And Sadistic Septic Syphilic Sodomy Inside The Infected Maggot Infested Womb Of A Molested Nun Dying Under The Roof Of A Burning Church While A Priest Watches And Ejaculates In Immense Perverse Pleasure Over His First Fresh Fetus) Pornogrind, heavy metal)

There are also other bands that I'm familiar of! Consisting of:
Cannibal Corpse
Black Sabbath
Pearl Jam
Iron Maiden


oh and i also like to listen to Insane Clown Posse.

that is all for now, you maggots. stay (sic)!

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