3-Nameless (Wacey)

457 4 10

Rating: swearing.
Content: sadness, heartache, 'accidental kisses', possible breakup.


"Fuck you Wednesday!"

There was a swoosh noise on the air , and then there would be the noise of clay shattering.

Wednesday had ducked them, and had dirt all over his hair. He looked at Joey infront of him and brought two hands up in a surrendering gesture.

"Look! It was a mistake!" Wednesday exclaimed back, looking at the entire mess Joey was in. He's got his hair entangled everywhere, eyeliner tears going down his cheeks. He was furious. Really, really furious. But... Cute too.

"Mistake?! Tell that to Acey, you cheating fuck!" He took another thing just right next to the table, but there was nothing, so he gripped on air instead.

Then there was Acey, who passed by the entire commotion. A bitten cookie in hand as he stared at the other two fighting. He looked at Wednesday's face, very tired to Acey's dismay. He stood there quietly,  trying not to get caught, and then hoping that Wednesday won't look at him. That will make very big trouble.

"...Look, Joey..." Wednesday calmly said, walking towards him and gripping on both of his arms, which made Joey flinch and try to restrict it. He tried to look furious--Acey can see it on his face, but everytime his blue eyes looked at Wednesday's brown ones, the more he'd sob. Acey didn't know he loved the man--Well,  he never knew that they were 'in a relationship' at the first place. Which made Acey's heart squirm, since he was head-over-heels for their frontman too. And that 'accidental' kiss on the show last night didn't make Acey sleep.

"That was an accident." Wednesday said with his calm voice ever. "Please. You know that I love you. I thought you were---"

"Me was him?!" Joey was obviously lost of grammar by the way this whole thing impacted him. "He was having dreadlocks on! And I was just there, over the... over the faaaaaaar left!" Joey looked over to the left, and that's when he caught Acey standing there like a lamppost and witnessing the whole thing.

The two froze. Acey did too.

Then there was this awkward silence...

Joey finally got rid of Wednesday's hands by shoving him backwards. Wednesday hit the wall with his back, and Joey turned over to look at Acey.

"Joey, I'm--" Acey didn't know what to say, so he just offered him the already-bitten cookie. "...Its nothing much, but I ho-hope it makes you feel better. I didn't know you two were in a... relationship." Acey admitted. Joey roughly took the cookie off his hand and as he did so, he took a big munch on it. And Acey fidgeted around with the sleeves of his black jacket.

Acey looked at Wednesday, and the singer just sighed. Acey did so as well, but it was a more sorrowful sigh, he was extremely dissapointed, super dissapointed that he could just punch a wall or maybe stand there , left alone with his thoughts. That kiss---it was extraoridnary indeed. He thought it was something more than a kiss.

"Relationship my ass," Joey spoke up after swallowing the cookie. "That asshole won't be in a relationship with me anymore. Fucker."

The small guitarist left the scene with a middle finger exposed to Wednesday, and all Wednesday did was to follow him and scream "wait!" that would echo across the corridor. Acey couldn't help himself but to grab Wednesday's arm and pull him close to him.

"Wednesday," Acey said. "Can we have a moment?"
"Not right now." Wednesday pulled himself, but Acey's grip was tightening around his tattooed arm.

Wednesday stared at Acey, then he'd stop himself from pulling away. "What is it?"

"Wednesday, that... that kiss, I... I thought it was something more..."
"Don't make this difficult, Acey." Wednesday demanded, though his voice was calm. It wasn't angry. It was more soothing than angry. Which didn't scare Acey. "It was a drunken kiss-"
"You weren't drunk. You went at me." Acey managed to say without stuttering in pure nervousness.
"I can see it on your face. Your gestures, your... whatever You're doing! You--" Acey let out a long sigh, his nervous eyes occasionally taking glances at Wednesday. He still didn't let go.

"...Wednesday, I have a crush on you. Okay? There... I spilled it. I really thought it was something more... more bigger than a kiss. I thought we actually had something... But I was wrong." Acey felt his heart tightened, enough for it to explode to bits. He kept his eyes away from Wednesday, he pulled on his own dreadlocks, and he chewed on his bottom lip. He finally let go of him, and there was nothing else to do but to accept it. He didn't want to force Wednesday to love him, either.

Wednesday kept his hand to himself now, and stared at Acey with a face... A face that was super mysterious. He can't see it for himself,  but in his eyes they sparked interest for Acey. Wednesday was 'dating' Joey after his break with his wife. And of course they were dead, dead memories--but the two kept this secret so long that it just exposed right here. Right infront of Acey.

"I didn't mean to upset you." Wednesday pulled Acey by his hand, which made Acey's head pipe up to look at him in the eyes. "I'm sorry, Acey."

"Don't be," Acey's bottom lip quivered and looked away. "I-I should be the one."

"C'mere," Wednesday wrapped two arms around Acey as the latter jolted in surprise by the contact of their chest. He was confused, but he liked the way Wednesday held him. Held him around his arms in a comforting, loving way.

Acey rested his head on Wednesday's shoulder. He was unsure if he should cry right now by this situation, but whatever he's feeling right now, he felt like he should not cry at all. It was... embarrassing to cry. Infront of him.

But as he realized it, of course, there was a real big reason to actually cry. He's with Wednesday. Hugging Wednesday. He knows that these hugs won't last long, he wanted a kiss, maybe a last kiss from the fucker. He thought that this was all immoral since Joey was dating him, but he did witness the guitarist storm out of the commotion, so basically he probably broke up with him. Acey thought of that, but still, he felt guilty for stealing Wednesday away from Joey. He felt like this was all wrong--if it wasn't wrong he'd lose himself and kiss him right here and right now.

Acey released himself from the hug and hugged his own torso with his two, slightly shaking arms. His hands fidgeted on the cloth of his shirt, and he took a deep breath.

"Goodnight, Wednesday." Acey took steps to walk out, but Wednesday managed to stop him by saying his name. It echoed around and about, it went back to Acey's ears.

Acey stopped his tracks and looked back.

"Tell Joey that I love him."

Acey's heart skipped a beat as he swallowed a blocking lumo in his throat.

"Yeah. I will."

Then he left with an aching heart. All Wednesday could hear was the sound of boots cackling on the tiled floor, and finally, the loud slam of a door, shut.

'well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw.'


A/N: Well, that was indeed a trainwreck. Trying so hard to be sad, but, damn. Its more shitty than sad lmao

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2019 ⏰

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