The Boy

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Killua's POV
So I've been alone at school for a while. I've been bullied, people have been spreading rumors about me that are definitely not even true. I hate it, but I ignore it I've just gotten used to it. But today is the day that will change my life.

I walked slowly into my first period class. A new kid was coming to class today. He walked in but I ignored. I told myself that 'There's another student here to hate me.' The boy sits next to me. I tell myself today isn't my lucky day. I glanced at him and I see this beautiful boy 'Holy Sh*t!'

He looks over and smiles at me. Eventually class ends. I get up grabbing my bag, I don't pay attention to the stares I get from the classmates that dont particularly like me. See since I am a Zoldyck everyone believes that I act like them, people spread rumors just to try and get me to act out, but I don't care the least.

The boy walks up to me. "Hi I'm Gon Freecss! Who are you?" Gon says. "I decided to come and talk to you cause you seemed pretty lonely in class." Gon said with a smile. I turn around looking at Gon 'Great..someone else to hate me.' I said to myself. Finally after a second "Killua" I responded.

"Oh that's a cute name!" Gon said while blushing a bit. "Would you like to be friends?!" He asks. "And it looks like you need some love!" He said. I blushed from the sudden words that came out of Gons mouth, the soft light pink showing on my pale skin. "Why..?"
I didnt say that to be rude, its just the first thing that came out of my mouth, I look down. I was told by my brother Illumi all the time 'You dont need friends, your a assassin act like it.' So I hardly believe Gon really would want to be friends with me. "You look really nice!" Gon said.

     "And I'm obviously guessing your my age and we have all classes together!" Gon said..he couldn't stop talking *giggles*. I thought about what Illumi said, "I-I look..nice?" I asked Gon. "Yeah you really do!" He said with a smile. I looked at Gon , questioning what to say. Surely Gon hasn't heard the rumors, but with that he is the new kid. "What if im not what you think?" I asked him.  'Geez this kid must really wanna be friends..' I said in my head.

     "Killua if you aren't what I think I won't care!" "What I see before me is what I believe!" He said. I never answered. "If you don't wanna be friends we don't have to see ya tomorrow Killua.." he said walking away.

     I felt heartbroken by the tone of Gons voice"W-wait" I tried saying but doubted Gon heard it 'He'll probably hate me by lunch..' I said in my head. I see Gon stop walking and glances back.

Another that helped me wtib the story: Eleo442

The Boy At School Who Saved MeWhere stories live. Discover now