Part 1

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Deep's P.O.V.

I sat in the nightclub with my bodyguards standing all around me. I looked at the other side of the partially transparent curtain to perhaps the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen in the entire world. She was dancing with this much older man who in age and appearance appeared to be her father. She also was looking at me while dancing. She then left her dancing along with the man to sit down. I sipped on my drink as I continued to admire this Goddess with a smirk. 

I was disturbed with my manager and best friend, Avinash, coming to me to tell me that someone is here to see me

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I was disturbed with my manager and best friend, Avinash, coming to me to tell me that someone is here to see me. I told him to lead the person inside. He went outside and came back with a man. Noticing who he was, I saw he was the same person the girl was dancing with a while ago. I kept a straight face as I always did in front of everyone. I was arrogant and yes, I don't smile. I never smile at anyone at all. People call me a heart of stone and I agree that I am one. But guess what? No one can do anything about it. I hate anyone who are not loyal and are liars. I hate nonsense. I can kill you in the blink of an eye and nothing can happen to me because I am above the law. I always get what I want and at any cost. That's the life of a Mafia. My Mafia life.

Anyways, I allowed the man to sit and sat quietly opposite him waiting for him to say what he came for. He looked nervous and was sweating. I sent Avinash to get a bottle water for him and he drank it in a gulp. "Are you here to waste my time?" I asked him sternly. He looked at me and replied nervously, "No Mr. Deep. I have come here for some help. My name is Navin Kashyap." This man was making me impatient. I replied frustrated, "Then tell me quickly. I don't have an entire day for you." He spoke, "Mr. Deep, I want a loan from you." I nodded asking the amount he wanted. "Ten million," he replied. I nodded and asked, "And when are you willing to pay back such a huge amount?" He replied, "I will, but it will take me some time." I couldn't trust him, so I asked, "And what are you giving as the collateral until you pay off this debt?" He went into some thought for a while and then answered, "I will leave my daughter with you until I don't pay off the debt completely." I diverted my eyes to the girl outside and said, "Agreed." I gave him the briefcase with the cash and made him sign a contract. I really don't mind keeping her as the collateral. I smirked. I got up and left. All my bodyguards walked on the four corners of me. I entered my car with Avinash and my bodyguards in the cars in front and behind me. "Do you think that he would be able to repay that huge debt?" Avinash asked. "He better do," I replied. Or on second thought, he could take his time so that I have more time with that beautiful daughter of his. I smirked remembering her and looking outside.

I reached the airport and exited the car. I entered my private jet and we flew off to home. I lived in London and came to India to settle a deal for a casino.

Arohi's P.O.V.

I entered my university where I studied. As usual, they did the same as they always do to me everyday. An entire bucket of water was emptied on my head soaking me completely. I looked up at my classmates who did it. I looked at them annoyed and frustrated. "Why do you people only this to me?" I asked. "Oh! The ugly duckling feels offended," one boy said. I rolled my eyes at them and went to the washroom. I took out my phone and called my sister, "Sis, can you bring me another pair of clothes at school?" I know she knew exactly what happened. I waited in the washroom. She also attended this university but she stayed home today. She was in her final year. After waiting about forty-five minutes, she came. "Arohi, why don't you complain about those students? You know very well that if you don't get them in trouble, they wouldn't learn their lesson," she said frustrated. "Forget it sis," I said. She rolled her eyes at me. "You will never change," she said. She waited for my wet clothes to go back home and I went to class after changing. I was already late for my class. I had two more years to finish my degree in law and also psychology. I am a nerd. However, unlike most nerds, I am outspoken. I cannot stay quiet for long. I am a loud mouth. I have to speak my mind. I am always told that my I.Q. is higher than an average person. I don't really believe that though. I don't know everything in the world. So therefore, my I.Q. is normal. I entered the class in an abrupted manner making myself the center of attention in the classroom. I apologized to my lecturer for reaching her class late and took my seat. She continued teaching.

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