Part 44

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Avinash's P.O.V.

I felt a little bad the way Arohi said even as a joke, that I am falling in love a second time. I got up annoyed and said, "Let's go." I walked away and she came quickly behind me following. I reached back my car and unlocked it. We both sat inside and I began to drive back to drop Arohi home. "Avinash, I said I'm sorry," she said softly. "It's ok," I said annoyed. "Is there something wrong? Why are you so changed all of a sudden?" she asked. I remained silent. I reached back to the construction site and got out of the car. I opened the door for her and she came out. "Won't you walk me back to the cabin?" she asked. I nodded. We both slowly began to walk back. "Avinash, it's not always necessary that first love is everything. Love is not a race that there is first, second, third, last, etc. When it's true love, there is nothing like first, second or third," she said. I stopped and looked at her walking ahead. She stopped and came back to me. "Makes sense?" she asked. "Avinash, I don't what's your problem. But I can at least try to give you some advice, right?" she said to me. "But if there's something stopping you? What if you are afraid to fall in love?" I asked. "There is no fear in love Avinash. And there is nothing that can possibly stop love from happening. Just look at Mafia and I, did we ever think of falling in love?" she said. "That doesn't answer my question," I said and began walking. She came behind me. "Your question is such that it doesn't have a solid answer Avinash. Time will give you the answer," she said. I walked her back to the cabin silently and upon reaching, she opened the door and turned to me. "Thank you," she said with a smile. "For what?" I asked. "For sponsoring me dinner tonight," she said. "No problem," I said. "I had great fun," she said. "Good night," I said. She smiled and closed the door. I turned around and began walking back to my car when my phone rang. Answering, I said, "Yes sir." "Avinash, come and have dinner with us," Deep sir said. "Sir, I already had dinner," I said. "You had dinner already?" he whispered confused. "With who?" he asked. "Alone," I lied.

"At least come for a little while. Uncle Navin is asking for you," he said. "Ok," I said coming into pressure. I hang up. The more I am trying to avoid Ananya, the more I am going back to her. I guess that I'll just have to stop this all before it gets out of hand. I have to stop her. I went to my car and drove to Raichand building. I got out and went to their apartment. Upon reaching there, I saw Mr. Kashyap, Deep sir, Uncle Zeeshan and Ananya at the dining table. I didn't look at all towards Ananya and walked closer to the table. "Good night," I greeted. "Good night," they all replied back. "Have you finished your work?" Deep sir asked me. I nodded. "Come, have dinner with us," he said. "It's ok sir. I have already eaten," I said. "At least have a little bit. I'll get a plate for you," Ananya said and was about to stand up when I said sternly, "No need. I said, I already had dinner!" She sat back down with a frown. Everyone looked at me amazed at how I spoke to her. "I'm sorry. I am very tired. I want to take some rest. I'm sorry once again. Please continue," I said bending my head. I turned around and left the apartment. I went home and sat down on my couch with a bottle of whiskey and a glass. I poured a drink and gulped it down. Opening my wallet, I looked at her picture and said with tears in my eyes, "This is all because of you!" 

Deep's P.O.V.

The table was quiet after Avinash left. Ananya frowned and got up from the table saying, "I am full. I want to go back to my room." I could see that she felt bad from Avinash's coldness. I stood up and said, "I'll help you back to your room." I went to her and she held my hand as I slowly walked her to her room. I made her sit on the bed and she said, "Thanks." "Ananya, please don't feel bad about Avinash's behaviour. He's like that. No one ever knows how his mood is at what time. It's all his face's problem. He always keep a straight face so you won't know what he's thinking. If you felt bad, I apologise on his behalf," I said. She smiled sadly and asked, "Why would I feel bad?" I sat on her bed and said, "Didn't you say that love shows in the eyes? I also see it in your eyes, for Avinash." She looked at me stunned. "Don't lie now and say that it's not true," I said. "It's true. I love him," she said. I was so much relieved to hear this. Finally one of them confessed! Now it's just to make the other realise. I smiled and looked at her. "Then what are you scared of? You love him! It's not a crime! Now, all you have to do is make him realise that he also feels the same for you," I said excited. "But how? I'm sure that he doesn't love me!" she said frowning. "I know Avinash. He also likes you," I said. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and asked, "Really?" I nodded and stood up. I turned around and said, "It's time for you to make him realise that he also loves you Ananya. Time to make him yours." "But how?" she asked frustrated. I turned and looked at her with a smirk and plan cooking in my head.

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