Part 72

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Arohi's P.O.V.

Someone came and touched my shoulder behind me. I turned around and saw Mafia standing behind me with a smile. "What do you want?" I asked annoyed. "Soap," he said pointing behind me. I frowned and took up the soap. I held his hand and slammed the soap block on it. He stood besides me at the sink and began washing his hands. "I also wanted to personally thank you for giving me the idea of giving my heart," he said. "You already said thank you," I said. "I know but it feels like the more times I say it, it seems less," he said. I smiled sarcastically and said, "No problem." He washed out his hand and said wiping it with his handkerchief, "I know that I was always wrong about Danny. But if he makes you happy, then I'm glad. I wish you two a happy relationship together." I looked at him in awe. I washed my hands out and turned around to walk away when he held back my hand. My heartbeat increased and I bent my head. I could feel the heat from his body coming onto mine as he stepped closer to me. I had butterflies in my stomach and my hair stood on edge. "I need to talk to you. Come to my office," he whispered in my ear. He twisted my hand behind my back giving me a sweet pain and he asked, "You will come, will you?" I had no choice but to nod. He freed of my hand and went away. I composed my racing heart and gather some courage. I ran back to the cafeteria and took up my belongings excited. As I turned around to leave, Danny asked me confused, "Where are you off to?" "I am going to meet Mafia," I said happily. I ran away and went to the office. I had permission to enter and went to his office to see him sitting, reading a paper. I slowly went inside smiling and hoping that we end this game right now. I couldn't remain angry with him anymore. I didn't want to. I stood opposite him and he said, "Sit down." I listened and took the opposite seat. He rested the paper down and leaned back on his chair. Swaying from side to side and looking at me, he said, "I have a complaint about you." "Complaint?" I asked. He nodded and said, "Your teacher is saying that your attention is not given in class."

"You called me here to talk about this?" I asked. "Yes, what else?" he said. I rolled my eyes as disappointment began to build back inside me. "Do you have an explanation for this?" he asked. "I have some personal problems and that's what is taking up my mind," I said annoyed. "Then in that case, I'll forward your name to the school's guidance officer. He might help you through this problem," he said. I looked at him like are-you-serious. "No need. I can solve my own problems," I said. I got up and turned around when he said, "I'm not done." I turned back. "Sit down," he said. "No thanks I'm fine," I said. He stood up and walked around his desk. He stood in front of me. "Can I ask you for something?" he asked. "What?" I asked folding my arms and turning my head away. He stepped closer to me and brushed his fingers down my arm and held my hand. Raising it to our chests, he intertwined our fingers and kissed my hand making my heart race. His mere touch was giving me goosebumps. He span me around and held my hands in front of me. He buried his face in my hair and asked, "Do my touch make your heart race?" I nodded. "When I am near you, do you get weak?" he asked. I nodded. "When I am away from you, do you yearn for me?" he asked. "Yes," I said softly with my voice trembling. "Will you accept my heart?" he asked. "I already have," I said. He planted a kiss on my ear and said, "Thank you."  I turned around and looked at him with all my happiness coming back. My eyes began to well up as I looked at him. "You don't know what you have given me," I said getting emotional. "She will react like this, right?" he asked. I looked at him confused and asked, "Who?" "My new girlfriend," he said. My heart broke. He was talking about the nurse? He stepped back away from me and said walking back and settling on his chair, "I was confused on how she will react but seeing you, I'm sure that she will like it when I give her my heart. Thanks." I stood and looked at him hurt. Doesn't he know how much he have just hurt me? I turned around and ran out of his office sobbing.

Deep's P.O.V.

Arohi covered her mouth and ran out of my office crying. I began to get worried and stood up. Oh no! Did she feel that bad at my prank? I was feeling horrible. I left my office and went outside. I met Avinash and asked, "Did you see Arohi?" "Yes, I saw her going to the top of the school," he said. My heart sank with this thought. "Oh no!" I said and quickly ran to the top on the terrace. There I saw her sitting and crying. I was relieved that she wasn't planning anything dangerous. I went and sat next to her. She covered her face with her trembling hands and cried in them. My heart wrenched seeing how I hurt her. I side hugged her and she cried on my chest. After composing herself a bit, she parted and said, "Leave me alone." I took out my handkerchief and gave it to her saying, "Wipe your tears." She looked away refusing it. "Are you testing your tricks on me again so that you can impress that nurse?" she asked. I held her hand and gave her the handkerchief saying annoyed, "I'm not that inconsiderate." She held the handkerchief but didn't use it. I rolled my eyes and grabbed it from her hand. I held her chin and turned her face to me but she pushed my hand away. I wasn't less stubborn. I held her chin tighter and turned her head to me. I wiped her wet cheeks and said, "All of this wouldn't have even happened if you had just listen to me." "This is not mine, but your fault. Who told you to flirt with that nurse?" she said. "I didn't think of any other way to get inside after the visiting hours so I had to do that," I said. "And you did it!" she said. I folded my handkerchief and pushed it back inside my pocket. "I am like this," I said. "And you couldn't explain this earlier to me?" she asked. "Are you serious? I tried but you are so stubborn," I said. "And you are less?" she asked. "I don't want to argue about this," I said. I got up and was walking back but she came and held my arm turning me around. "You have to! Who told you to actually believe me that I am breaking up with you?" she said. I pushed her hand off me and said, "You did." "I did? Stop lying," she yelled. "You are lying!" I yelled back. 

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