Part 6

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Navin's P.O.V.

I was sitting and waiting for the last five minutes. Ananya hasn't come back as yet. What is taking her so long? Where is she? I decided to go and check on her. I walked to the toilet and began calling her from outside. There was no answer. I began to feel afraid and knocked on the door calling her. Still no answer. I ran back to the manager's office and begged him for me to see the camera recordings by the ladies toilet. I explained to him that we were being chased and he agreed. Looking at the footage, I saw that some men kidnapped Ananya. I was shocked beyond belief. They must be Deep's people. I have to save her. I thanked the manager quickly and ran out but before leaving, I noted the number of the car. I ran on the road looking for her when I reached the highway. I ran along the highway and when I couldn't bear it anymore, I had to stop. I fell on my knees feeling helpless that I couldn't save her. God knows what they must have done to her. I got back up and began staggering along the highway. When walking a little way, I saw the same van parked outside a small restaurant. I ran up to it and looked inside. It was empty. I looked around the area but still didn't find her. I left that spot and ran a bit looking around. I then saw her on a bridge trapped between some men. They were the same that kidnapped her. It seemed as if she tried to escape from them but she got trapped again. I need to do something. But what? I looked around and saw a boat in the water under the bridge she was standing on. I ran to it and started the engine. I directed it to directly under the bridge and called out to her, "Ananya! Jump!" She looked down and saw me. She had tears in her eyes telling me how relieved she was to see me. She quickly managed to jump off the bridge and landed on the boat. I drove the boat quickly away leaving the men on the bridge shooting at us. Luckily, we managed to escape safely. Once out of their sight, I stopped the boat and hugged a traumatised Ananya. I caressed her back consoling her and convincing her that I won't let any harm come to her.

Arohi's P.O.V.

I worked really hard today and got my money. I remained in school doing the cleaning of the cafeteria for some extra cash when Danny came to me. "Hey Arohi, wanna go watch a movie?" I frowned and said, "No, I'm very busy. I also have to deliver some parcels and also go to the construction site. You go ahead. I'll join you another time." He said ok and left. After completing all the duties, I was paid and I left. I delivered over forty parcels and worked double harder on the construction site. I was excited when I stood in the line and waited for my pay. I signed the book and collected it. Opening it, I managed to make a lot more money that I usually do. I went to my room and changed my clothes. I sat on my bicycle and rode to the Mafia's house to pay him. I walked inside and he was sitting alone reading the newspaper. Apparently, he didn't notice I was standing in front of him and to grab his attention, I cleared my throat. He moved the papers from in front of his face and looked at me. "What?" He asked me. I smiled happily and said, "I have brought some money to repay you." I rested it on the table and he took it and counted it. Looking at me impressed, he said, "Well done. You've managed to pay 3000 today." I smiled feeling proud and said, "I told you I am working really hard to repay my debt. I have also bought something for you." From behind my back, I took out some custard tarts that I bought on the way. "I bought you custard tarts. They are very delicious," I said. I placed it on the table and he looked at it with a small smile. "I told you that I would pay off the debt before you find my sister. See, I am paying you so much more," I said. "Remain and believe that I can't find her," he said.

Deep's P.O.V.

She is so sweet. So cute! When I told her to remain and believe that I couldn't find her sister, her expressions changed at once. She frowned and became worried, "What do you mean? Have you found her? Where is she?" She asked. I nodded with a small smile. She immediately went on her knees and joined her hands together saying, "Please. Don't do anything to my sister. You can see for yourself how hard I am working to repay this debt. Please let my sister go." I was touched and looking at her innocent and desperate look, my heart melted. "Forget it! You won't be able to pay out such a huge amount. You will continue to pay for the rest of your life and still owe me," I said. Her facial expressions turned to anger and she stood up saying, "You will never change. You blood thirsty Mafia! Immoral." I took my cup of tea and sipped on it so that she won't see my amused look. She is really very sweet. She pouted at me angrily and turned and walked away. A second after, she came back and asked, "Have you ever considered reducing the debt?" I shook my head and said, "No. In fact I haven't even started to add the interest to the original amount. So stop wasting time." She stomped her foot angrily on the ground and said, "I am taking back my custard tarts." She took up the bag but I held back her hand. I loved custard tarts. I wasn't going to let her take it back. She looked at me and I said, "Drop it." She immediately obeyed and I smiled at her. I removed my hand from onto of hers and she bent her head with her face turning red. She didn't look me into the eyes and she turned and walked out the door. I smiled and looked at the snack she brought. I took one and savoured the heavenly taste in my mouth. Avinash came inside and told me that I had to attend an important meeting but didn't have a driver. I thought for a moment and asked him, "Did you meet Arohi outside?" He nodded and I called my security and ordered him to stop her from leaving the building and for her come back to my apartment. After some time, she came back and I gave her a suit to wear with my driver's cap. She looked at me confused and asked, "What are these for?" "For me," I said sarcastically. "So why are you giving me?" She asked. Clearly she didn't understand my sarcasm and I rolled my eyes saying, "Idiot! This is for you. Go and change into this. You are my driver for the rest of the day." She looked at the suit of clothes sadly and I said, "I will pay you for it." She smiled and took the clothes. She went inside the guest room and came back out fully dressed. She looked quite cute in the suit. She looked at me with a sweet smile and my heart began to beat faster. "Go and wait for me downstairs," I ordered her. She smiled and left. "Are you sure that you want Arohi as your driver? There could be great danger where we are going," Avinash said to me. "I'm sure," I said to him.

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