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-first date-

it's been 4 days since the incident at the park. after the confession from juyeon, he asked you to go out with him on tuesday.

you agreed and you both promised to watch movies at the cinema.

eventually, you didn't tell him what colour you'll be wearing on the day. you're planning to change your colours for today. rather than wearing grey all the time.

you chose a baby blue hoodie with fluffy white hood at the back paired with skinny black jeans with white platform sandals.

you chose to tie your hair into a ponytail, but you though of making it into a bun because it's cuter.

you got out a few minutes early, waiting at the lobby of the apartment for juyeon to pick you up.

a few minutes later, juyeon came in wearing a black turtleneck underneath a white collar shirt paired with black pants and white fila sneakers.

you start blushing at how handsome juyeon is. he would make a very successful model, you thought.

"oh, you're early. "
he said as he grabbed your wrist gently.

ou really feel your face burning up very quickly. you walked with juyeon to his car hand by hand.

you entered his expensive and exclusive looking car and wore the seatbelt.

"ready? "
juyeon looked at you and burst out a laugh.

"why are you laughing? "
you were confused at his behaviour.

"don't you realise you're blushing so hard? it's cute. "
you remembered that you were actually blushing by juyeon's handsomeness and he realised it.

"ah! s-stop laughing... it's just that you're born too handsome. "
you said while tugging on the seatbelt.

"okay, okay. i'll stop, let's just go to the mall and watch movies... "
juyeon starts the engine and starts driving.

you connected your phone via bluetooth to the car's speakers. you opened music and jammed some the boyz's songs because you were bored.

you opened ddd and start jamming to the song.

"oh? I didn't knew you were a fan of the boyz. "
juyeon spoke.

"uh, yeah. i've liked them since no air era by the way. "
You answered.

"ahhh... that era is totally superior comparing to old eras. "
juyeon said.

a/n, yall im sorry i just noticed that i used the wrong term there and i just updated it im sorry i wrote this like a long time ago and sorry my english isn't perfect thanks for those who comment tho atleast i noticed it
3.17 pm, may 23rd 2020
sincerely, author

"yeah, that's right... "

you both jammed onto the song until you've reached the mall.
you reached out your phone to turn the bluetooth off, when juyeon suddenly unbuckle the seatbelt for you.

you gasped when juyeon's gigantic hands touched your waist a little.

holy, i didn't know his hands are this huge.

you blushed a bit and got out of the car.

"you know, that was too cliché. but i get to see your large hands that i never noticed before. "

you said to him.

"yeah, i know. I was just wondering how you'll react to that. "
juyeon answered.

you both walked inside the mall to the cinema together.
you ordered a bucket of popcorn and a large cup of cola for the both of you to share.

once finished, you both took a seat at the very back of the hall to get a great view of the movie.

before the movie starts, you took pictures with him in your phone.
you also shoved in some popcorn into your mouth.

"wow, that's good. "

juyeon also tasted some.

"woah, you're right. "

a few minutes later, the movie started and you both sat in silence.

while enjoying the movie, the both of you often touched hands while grabbing popcorn or even holding the cup of cola.

you both can only smile when it happens.

after the movies finished, the both of you looked at each other and sighed.

"that was a great movie, i say. "
said Juyeon.

"yeah. "

you both walked out of the hall and threw the rubbish into a trash bin. you stopped by a shop to buy yourself a cup of caramel milk tea.

after that, the both of you walked to the parking lot and juyeon opened the door for you.

you only nodded and got inside the car.

suddenly you noticed that juyeon didn't close the door and lowered your seat.

"w-what are doing? "

he leaned closer to you and smirked.

"do you realise that we haven't kissed yet? "
he whispered.

"ah. y-yeah, you're right... "

"that's what i'm about to do. "

without questioning, he captured your lips onto his while pushing you to the car seat.

somehow, the kiss got hotter and you felt his hands caressing into the back of your hoodie.

"a-ah! "
you let go of the kiss and gently pushed him to the back.

"i-i... I'm not ready for this... Yet. "
you shyly spoke.

juyeon let out a smile and nodded.

he closed the door and entered the driver's seat. "don't worry, i won't force you into it. "
he said.

you quickly rise your seat up and buckle up. you tucked in your hair behind your ears and looked down.

juyeon turns on the engine and drives out of the mall.
"hey, i love you ♥"
he said while flashing a smile.

"i-i love you too, juyeonie ♥"


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