And Here I thought I would never see you again

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Author's POV

Jimin made his way to school, speed walking, totally leaving yoongi who seem be chilling out, not really bothered by the time.

Jimin neared the entrance of the school gates when he bumped to someone, more like someone bumped him from behind.

Jimin was about to fall and kiss the ground when that person caught him, holding him by the waist.



"Yah! Jimin-ah! Are you insane?!" Yoongi that was trailing behind, now infront of jimin, shaking his shoulders non-stop.

"Stop it will you?! It's not like i'm the one who tripped myself. And besides scold that person not me, you idiot." Jimin glared at the person infront of him, right behind of yoongi.

"Who are you calling here idiot?!" Jimin just rolled his eyes before fixing his self.

"I'm really so-"

"And who the heck are you?! Bumping my jiminie without saying sorry?!" Jungkook, for the second time, was cut off in his tracks. He's getting really annoyed at yoongi as of now and he is not sure if he could take it.

"Hyung would you please calm your shit down! You're being a jerk here!" Thank you jimin for voicing out my thoughts jungkook said in his mind.

Jimin gave yoongi a sharp look and he for some weird reason, shut up. That was rare, considering the fact that yoongi is mostly the one who commands jimin around.

Silence wrapped the three of them. None of them wants to speak up not until 4 idiots came running to them.

"Yah! Jungkook-ah! You alright? What are you doing here?" Namjoon asked the maknae when he saw him with three unfamiliar looking people.

"Uhmm standing?"

"Really now?" Namjoon gave jungkook a bored look and tone while jungkook just shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh jiminie, yoongi, didnt know that i'll see you here this early." Jin greeted his dongsaengs and gave them a bro hug.

"Same here." They both replied in unison.

Taehyung on the other hand, was not expecting to see jungkook with jimin this early.

Atleast they are not alone, thank you, whoever you are. Thank you mint haired guy for accompanying those two.

Jhope joined the chitchat with the other group. They introduced themselves and soon were sharing memories and moments with each other.

They got too preoccupied that they didnt notice the bell ring, but thanks for the second ring they were able to catch up to their first class. All laughing while on the way.

When they reached their classroom, they all went to their respective seats, well besides jungkook.

Jimin went to his seat and was surprised to see jungkook clamly sitting beside him.

"Uhmm jungkook-ah, arent you supposed to be at the back? Jhope sits in here. " jimin explained.

"Oh, hobi-hyung exchanged seats with me, he said its too cold here since the air conditioner is directly hitting this row, so yeah. We're cool arent we?"

"Y-yeah of course. " he looked back at jhope who is now sitting on jungkooks supposed seat. Jimin gave him a questioning look and just shrugged it off.

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