We're here for you

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Jimin's pov

"ARF ARF ARF!!" I woke up from Prince's bark. I lazily opened my eyes and saw Prince sitting right infront of me, his mouth hanging open and his tongue out. I patted his head and gave it a ruffle, seeing how his tail wag in happiness.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, removing all the eye dirt in my eyes. My vision cleared as I stretched from my sit, hands on the side as I stretched my back while yawning. Prince barked at me and stood up wagging his tail. I chuckled at his gesture but he still keeps on barking.

"What's your problem prince? Oh wait! Have you eaten yet!? Oh my gosh! Sorry I forgot!" I hurriedly stand up and went to his bowl, just to see it empty without food and milk.

"He already ate his breakfast jiminie." I jumped from the voice and almost outbalance myself, but good thing my right feet reacted quickly and I was able to balance myself on time.

"Taehyung!? W-what are you doing here? How did you find me?" My eyes are wide as I look at him, stunned that he's wearing my apron. What the heck! Did he broke in to my house?!

"Calm down, I was here yesterday remember? I found you out of nowhere, my feet has a mind of its own and led me here. I was also shocked you were here, i thought you're in US but guess not. You cried last night and I just hugged you till you sleep." He chuckled and smiled, going back inside the kitchen to serve breakfast on the table.

I'm still frozen in my place, speechless. But I regained my memory and started to realize what happened yesterday. He was there on my door step, he went inside and we "talked" more like I only talked to him. He hugged me and i cried in his arms.

I feel the heat starting to form in my face out of embarrassment! What the hell am I thinking yesterday?!

I followed him inside and saw lots of foods prepared on the table. Its still breakfast, what is he planning to do, kill me from too much food?

"Why is there a lot of food? It's not yet lunch." I sat down and looked at him, not touching the plates nor the utensils that are already laid in front me, waiting to be used.

"I saw how tired you are yesterday, you have eye bags and your thin. Have you been eating properly?" He asked. Why is he suddenly asking about my health and condition? Why is he even here? Why is he staying?

"Why are you here?" I asked

"Huh?" Seriously now?

"Why are you here?" I asked again, looking him straight in the eye. He cant lie to me now can he? I'm done with all the damage, all i need now is the truth. Everything.

He sighed and sat in front of me, guess he's eating with me today since he also prepared himself a plate infront of him.

"Look, we ruined you, yes we know. I'm sorry for everything, everything that we did to you. It is wrong, so wrong that we cannot be forgiven. We played with your feelings, not even knowing your past and your feelings. We acted too fast and didnt think straight. I'm really really sorry! I'm also sorry for giving you a bad expression of myself, being mean to you and all. Sorry for taking.... jungkook away from you. You deserve him you know? He regrets everything he did to you, up until now. All the members are shutting themselves out from everyone, especially jungkook and hoseok hyung. They all missed you so so much. They blame themselves and resent themselves jimin-ah. They are sorry."

I looked at him, listening, taking all his words in. They did break me, ruin me, toyed with my feelings, and played my heart like a game. But it's all in the past. It needs to be forgotten, but we need to learn from it as well. My wounds are deep, deep but can be healed. Though it will leave a scar, but that scar will remind me of this moment, this very moment where we all realized our mistakes.

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