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Jimin's pov

"Hyung! I won't let him stay with you! He's staying with me now!"

"No! You haven't even courted him and asked him yet, so he's still gonna stay with me!"

"Hyung~! He said he loves me and I love him too, can't he stay with me~?"

I blushed from what Jungkook said. Does he really have to say it? All of us are gathered in Jhope's house, for some unknown reasons. He said 'just to make sure jimin will stay'.

"No can do jungkookie. I haven't spent my time with my mochi. I need a month." They haven't stop fighting since the past 15 mins about this topic. I mean, I want to stay with jungkook, but I also want to have time with jhope as much as I can have. I miss them both, but.... I would like to stay with hoseok hyung first.

"Can I have a share of your mochi then?" Jungkook smirked at me and gave me the look. I, then again, blushed and just covered my face with the pillow.

"I would like to stay with hobi hyung first." I decided and smirked at jungkook. I stood up and sat beside hyung, bringing my knees to my chest as i lean my body on hoseok's side. With this action, i saw jungkook's wide eyes that are looking at me.

"What?! Oh come on, not you too hyung." He whined.

"I'll be your mochi after one month jungkookie. I'm all yours dont worry. Let me spend my time with hobi hyung. I miss him too you know." The other members are somewhere in this house. From what I know, namjin are in the kitchen, cooking food for dinner. Taegi is.... at the bedroom, i guess? Doing who knows who. I dont wanna know that now.

Jungkook doesnt have any choice but to agree with my decision. He stood up and went to me, lifting me up.

"Hey- what are you doing Kookie?!" I was startled when he started carrying me, going back to his seat and sitting down, placing me on his lap.

"Oh jiminie~ we'll have a long talk once you get in my house~" he whispered seductively in my ear. I shivered from the thought and just look down, not wanting him to see me turn into a tomato from all the blush. Aish this kid!

"Stop it! We're in hoseok's house!" I whispered yell back at him, trying to remove this butterflies in my stomach.

"What if I don't care~." He pulls me closer and starts placing light feather kisses on the back of my neck, making me feel more uneasy than before. Damn jungkook!

"Damn you jungkook! You're such a turn on." I whispered again, trying to free myself from his grasp, but he's so strong.

"Hey! No PDA in this house! I want this place clean and pure!" Jungkook stopped from his actions and just hugged me tightly, chuckling at himself. I sat myself comfortably on his lap while I fished out my phone to play some games.

Hoseok hyung went to check in on namjin couple who is now maybe preparing the dishes.

After that most wonderful holiday, everything went back in place, everything seems right, everything is perfect. We never brought up the bet again, we decided to bury it at the back of our head, never to be given a thought. We moved on, we didnt look back, we held each other's hands and continued forward. We forgave each other after learning from our lessons. And here we are, happy to be with each other again, in one perfect piece.

Well, I almost forgot about this guy..

My phone rang and I answered it immediately. Detaching myself from jungkook for a moment before signaling hobi hyung that I'm going out for a sec.

I placed my phone on my right ear and heard the voice I've been wanting to hear.

"Hey! You just went back there and you totally forgot about me? How dare you jimin-ah! Am I not important to you anymore? I thought we're friends! You even gave me a chance."

"Keep it down taemin! You're so dramatic!" I chuckled from what I said. He wasn't the type to be so dramatic and keep on complaining.

"Am not! You here didnt call me for a week to update me on what's happening on you! I thought you died!" I laughed from his words. Since when did he became this funny.

"You think too much! Why are you being so funny? I think your girlfriend influenced you! Did she put something on your drink?!" I over reacted.

"Yah! Dont talk about her like that! She's the most wonderful girl I've ever seen! She changed me for good, why dont you like the funny me?"

"Well of course I like your funny side, its just that, its so new to me."

"Anyways, I called because I want some news update from you. So, how's your life been going?"

"It's fine, I'm fine now, everything is perfect. I feel complete, finally." I smiled, he might not see me, but I know that he knows I'm happy, very happy.

"I can tell you're happy right now. You and Jungkook good?" Told ya he knows I'm happy.

"Yes we are good. He confessed to me last holiday, he also kissed me under the watch of thousands of stars and planets." I blushed again. I reminisced that beautiful memory of kookie and I. The way he held me on his arms, like as if I would disappear right there.

"Oooh. Seems like SPG coming up." He joked.

"Yah! You- ugh! I swear I'll tell your girlfriend how annoying you are right now."

"No need, she's right beside me. She said Hi by the way."

"Oh tell her hello for me."

"Okay. *talks to his girlfriend* He said 'hell no'" i heard his famous laugh at the other line. Seriously, i cant with this guy.

"Imma hang up now coz I believe my boyfriend is looking for me."

"Wai-" i hanged up and closed my phone. Looking up at the bright stars that are watching me from above.

"Boyfriend huh?" I felt a presence from behind me, before I felt hands snaking in on my waist, back hugging me. I smiled and rest my head on his shoulder, placing my hands above his arms that are wrapped securely on my waist.

"You never heard a thing kookie~" I looked side ways and saw his perfect features. His strong jawline, his nose, his glossy lips that are asking for a kiss. His long eyelashes, doe eyes.

"Oh but I did.~" he faced me to him before placing a soft kiss on my lips. He rest his forehead on mine, looking at my eyes like as if he's reading me.

"I love you jimin-ah. I hope you know how deep this love I have for you is." I wrapped my arms on his neck and just stayed like that, his arms resting on my waist.

"I love you more kookie. And I know how deep that love is, because I feel the same way. You are my everything jungkook. Without you, I'm nothing. Please, please never leave me again."

"I would never ever, swear to myself and to the members, i will never leave you again. You are now my world, I only revolve around you."

We look in its each others eyes before he breaks it and put a sealing kiss on my forehead. I closed my eyes and hugged him tightly. I felt his love, i can feel his heart beating against mine. I feel secure, i feel safe. I belong here, in his arms, filled with his love, with the members. I have what I needed, i couldnt ask for more.

We stayed like this under the bright full moon, under the twinkling stars that seem to shine brighter than before. Among all the people in this world, i only belong to one, i only belong to jungkook. And he belongs with me.



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