chapter 7: behind backs

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It wasn't months later until it happened.

Eddy, as always, patiently dealt with it. Patience was needed to care for his patients. Geddit? He'd chuckle at his lame jokes as he pushed the emotions revolving around Brett Yang to the back of his mind. He'd get over it, soon enough. Because he was distracted and occupied with his current patients, and also with the fact that he was convinced that the whole damned ward, including his boss was keeping something from him. Something big. It started with the nurse-in-charge, incessantly whispering about roster to his boss, his name occasionally thrown into the mix. Sure, it'll have been a usual occurrence, if it wasn't the fact that the conversation with be abruptly ended if he was nearby. Then, it was everyone else. He'd only gotten as far as Thursday. Something was going to happen tomorrow. And everyone knows it but him.

God damn it.

Thursday came soon enough, and Eddy was bent at finding out what the hell was up with everyone.

Turns out, it was a normal morning shift, and Eddy was sorely disappointed. Even all the whispering and excitement had disappeared. It was as if they were waiting on bated breath, but not really. Once he finished his shift, he disappeared into the staff room as usual, and changed out of his scrubs and into his casual clothing in the staff toilet. He heard a ruckus outside. A flurry of whispers.

Shit, he's gonna hear! Shut up guys!

Eddy almost died from holding his laughter. Of course he was gonna hear, the walls of the hospital were thin as paper, and nurses were bad at keeping secrets other than patient information.

He was disappointed yet again when he flung open the door. Nobody was there, the staff room just as it was when he first went in. Eddy started to wonder if he was hallucinating as he reached to put his folded scrubs back into his locker. Suddenly, the staff room door slid open. As he turned to greet whoever that was coming in to change, his eyes widened.

Brett Yang.

So that was what it was all about. Him. Eddy smiled warmly, opting for the "you look great" line.

Brett didn't miss a single beat. "Thanks to you. I believe I'm here for something you promised to keep." His hospitalisation tag. Eddy pulled it off the back of his locker door, removing the micropore tape that he'd use to stick it on. He passed it to the shorter man as he properly took in the sight of him, healthy, well, and without the collar cuff.

"I finished my rehabilitation just last month, and my first concert is tomorrow night." Brett handed him an envelope - black and gold. "You promised to be there."

Eddy stuttered, still pleasantly surprised by the entire event. "Uh--uh I need to check my roster-"

"No need, because I've given you off for 3 days." His boss stepped into the room suddenly.

"What the..." He got more surprised by the moment. "Are you sure?"

"C'mon Eddy, clear your damn leave already!" Eddy recognised that as one of the other staff nurses. Then he realised. Everyone was outside watching them.

"Was this the thing yall were hiding the entire week?"

"He's still waiting for an answer Eddy!" Someone shouted, averting the question.

He looked at Brett and took the envelope. "Of course I'll go."

For some reason, everyone cheered. Somewhere, someone in the crowd said, "Eddy is finally going to get a life."

Transient. This moment would too be transient. But he was basking in it right now. He found himself hugging Brett and hearing him whisper, "I'll be picking you up at 4 tomorrow. You get exclusive backstage access."

This time, the hug wasn't awkward. All Eddy felt was a satisfaction and some kind of closure.

Brett Yang was fine after all.

When he got home, he panicked, Eddy realised that how would Brett pick him up if Brett didn't know how to contact him?

Shit! How could I forget?

But when he opened the envelope, he realised that there was a concert ticket, and a smaller piece of paper - with Brett's number. He couldn't help but laugh at the childlike scrawl as he added the contact to his phone.

Eddy Chen: Hey, this is Eddy - see you at 4 tomorrow? I live at the last block off 4th avenue.

He was pleasantly surprised when Brett immediately responded.

Brett Yang: Got it. See you tomorrow!

Needless to say, Eddy was excited. He fell into his standard after-shift routine. Shower, get some dinner, watch some videos - he'd made an exception and listened to some classical music today, and got ready for bed. He'd usually read a book, but tonight he was interrupted by some vibration from his phone.

Brett Yang: I'm nervous
Brett Yang: It's been so long

Eddy picked up his phone and read the messages.

Eddy Chen: I'm sure you'll be great cuz everytime we played you were obviously better than me and way more... artsy??? musiciany????

Eddy doesn't do false reassurances, but he can reassure pretty darn well. It's an occupational hazard. 

Eddy Chen: Do you believe in 11.11pm wishes? - I used to do it often when I was younger, and I still do it sometimes now
Eddy Chen: So 11:11 - Here's to wishing Brett Yang a good nights' sleep, and good luck tomorrow.

Was he being too clingy by triple texting? Eddy did a double take, throwing his phone somewhere on his bed and hiding his face in his hands in embarrassment, cheeks flushing, as if Brett could see him.

The phone vibrated. He took a moment to breathe before reaching for it, reading the reply.

Brett Yang: Aw man I'm one minute late! But thank you - for being there since the start. I can't wait for tomorrow.

Eddy Chen: I can't wait too - now go to sleep.

Brett Yang: Goodnight, Eddy.
Eddy Chen: Goodnight, Brett. 

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