I need, Your needs!

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Mikasa P.O.V

it was a Saturday.....u haven't seen eren all day yesterday or the day before that. was he avoiding me? No of course not.

I was once again in my room finishing up any sort of Homework I had and I would just start off by going to work. I don't want to....I want to go see eren and his family! his sweet mother, his smart father, and himself.

  I reached for my phone and remembered that I had eren's mother number. karla is so nice, maybe I can help her cook or clean.

I sat there impatient waiting for someone one to pick up, and someone did.

" Mikasa! how are you." karla greeted me.

" I'm fine....I just wanted to see if eren is doing his Homework and if you need any assistance around the house." I replied.

" kind as always! actually eren is having trouble right now and me and his father have to go for a little appointment...think u can come?" karla asked.

I smiled and tried to keep from yelling.

Alone with eren! This is just to good!

" Yeah! I'll be on my way!"

I instantly hung up and tightly gripped my phone with excitement.

me and eren! were practically a married couple.

I called my boss to call in sick...I could not miss the opurtunity.

" Excuse me." I said a in a weak scratchy voice.

" Ah mikasa. what's wrong."

" I ...have to call in sick I...I know its unlike me but.."

" say no more but top worker needs some rest, I'll give u the day off with pay don't you worry mikasa."

" Oh thank you! I feel so selfish."

" Your so kind, go rest."

after that I hung up and packed up,

I slid in my Science notes and stuff, a couple of mangas, and some extras paper and such.

I got up and ran out the door locking it as fast as I can.

all that ran through my head as I ran was
I'm going to set eren, I'm going to help eren, I'm going to make him happy , my savior happy!!!

once I reached the door I see karla with her husband outside the door smiling down at me.

" Oh mikasa! I didn't tell eren you were coming but I'm sure hr will be excited. help him with his homework and if you want you are allowed to spend the night. take care of my son will ya." she winked and went off her way.

I walked in to see eren sitting on the table with headphones in his ear and the pain expression of homework across his face.

he looked up wide eyed at me and I gave a gentle smile and shrug.

" o-oh mikasa.... what are you..you doing here?" he asked in confusion.

" your mother told me to help you and spend the night to babysit you, so here I am." I answered.

eren looked down at his homework and nodded.

" ... well..... welcome do you need anything."

I shook my head in his response.

" Just hear to give you my notes to study. they have all the definitions for the homework so here!"

I pulled out my notes and handed it to him. eren hesitantly grabbed them and began copying it down.

I dropped my bag and headed for the washed dishes placing them in their spot. it seemed karla already did everything but I can clean her stove for her at least. after that I can see what they have/and whip eren lunch and make more for his mother and father if they want any.

I looked in the top cabinet above the stove to find cake mix, it was vanilla. and I'm sure eren would love that.

I began mixing, grabbing extra eggs, sugar and from the corner of my eye I can see eren looking back st me every once in a while..... his green eye glare of curiosity brings a smile to my face!

One day I will be doing this on a daily bases for him, when were husband and wife....yes I'm sure of it!

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