Adventure time!

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They were all gathered in the meeting room. Geno was leaned against Reaper chest asleep somehow with Reaper's arm wrapped around him.

"I get you're enjoying your time without him pushing you away, but he really needs to hear what we're doing..." Ink said. Reaper made a straight face and poked Geno's cheek. Geno immediately woke up and looked at Reaper sleepily, "hm?" He hummed, not wanting to talk. Reaper pointed to Ink. Geno looked at Ink, "yes?"

"Did you not sleep last night?" Ink asked. Geno shook his head no, "I couldn't.."

"Oh...sorry to hear that but you're gonna have to listen." Ink said politely. Geno nodded, not even noticing the position he's in.

"Okay! We'll go out in groups of three! Three will stay here and investigate the rest of the building while other teams of three will go out and get what we need. Got it?" Ink said. Everyone nodded.

"I call Horror and Dust!" Killer yelled and ran up to them. They grinned and put their thumbs up.

"Blue and Dream, you're coming with me!" Ink announced. They smiled and nodded.

"Reaper and cross, you're with me." Horror said. Reaper nodded. "That means I'm stuck with Lust and...?" Geno said and sat up, rubbing his eye sockets. "I'm going by myself." Nightmare said in a harsh tone.

"Well damn, you do that big guy. And once you need help don't try to join our duo." Geno said with an attitude. "I won't because weaklings aren't going to waste my time." Nightmare growled. "The fuck you just call us?!" Geno growled and stood up.

"Chill Gen!" Reaper exclaimed and held onto him, making sure he won't do anything. "Weaklings. You guys aren't strong." Nightmare crossed his arms. "Us, weaklings?" Geno started laughing, "you sound so stupid right now. Honestly, you need to lighten up a bit bud before you get your world rocked." Geno threatened. (#genoabadbitch)

Nightmare laughed, "try me." He smirked. Geno tried to walk over there but Reaper got up and threw him over his shoulder. "You guys need to quit, we're a team." Blue said. Geno just glared at Nightmare. Nightmare was smirking at him.

"Okay! Team 1 is going to be my team. Team 2 is Killer's team, team 3 is Geno's duo, team 4 is Horror's team, and Nightmare is just Nightmare." Ink said. "Team 2 will go out for blankets, pillows, etc. Team 3 will stay here and look around the school. Team 4 will go out for food. Team 1 will search around and look for people we can recruit and help." Ink added.

Everyone nodded. "Okay, everyone be back here before sunset." Lust yelled. "Geno and I will have dinner done by then." He said.

"Can we trust you guys? I mean, we don't even know each other.." Cross said calmly. "You can shut up and starve then you-" Reaper squeezed Geno's leg, "shut up." He growled. Geno stayed quiet and pouted.

"Seems like we have a couple here~" killer purred. "That's cute!" Ink squealed. "W-what! No way! Just go do whatever you g-guys have to do!" Geno stuttered, his face glowing. "No need to be embarrassed, I'm pretty sure Ink and Error will be next." Blue smirked at Ink. Ink blushed, "speaking of Error...where is he? He can go with Nightmare so he doesn't have to be alone."

Error walked into the room yawning, "what's everyone doing in here? Are you plotting to kill me?" Error asked.

"Yes, yes we are." Geno answered. "Damn, my own brother turned against me." Error made a straight face.

"Wait, brother? You guys are related?!" Ink asked. "Yea. I thought everyone knew that because of how fucked up we both look." Geno answered. "Are you trying to call us ugly? You may be, but I'm sexy." Error said. "Error, you're ugly just like me. Fresh on the other hand is actually decent looking." Geno said. "He's scary as hell....fuxking 90's trash.." Error grumbled the last part.

"Okay! We don't have a lot of time so get going!" Geno yelled. Reaper set Geno down, "see ya later." He walked out with his well as the others.

Geno and Lust both waited until they were gone to start exploring. Suddenly, a loud thud was heard outside. "Geno..? What was that?" Lust asked, his eye lights small. Geno looked at him, "I don't know...but we're not finding out until we have to."

Lust laughed quietly and walked out the room. "Where do you want to explore first?" Lust asked him. "Hmmmm...How about downstairs? What if they have a basement?" Geno suggested, walking downstairs. "Maybe that's where the electricity box is." Lust stated, following Geno.

They walk to the left, seeing that there's another floor under them. "Maybe you're right Lust..lets go check it out." Geno said went down. "Hopefully I'm right. I'm tired of walking on these stairs with heels on." Lust sighed, walking down.

"'s colder down here than up." Geno shivered, looking around the messy, cold basement. It was filled with boxes, as well as a creepy hallway with flicking lights. The walls were cement, grey painted over it..with bloody hand printed stained on the wall. "Yea.." Lust agreed, looking at the flicking lights desperately trying to stay on. He grabbed a flashlight that was on the ground and turned it on, seeing something flash into a room. "W-what was that..?" Lust asked. "I don't know.." Geno answered, slowly walking down the hall. He tried to open a door on his left but it was locked. "What the..?" He tried another but it was locked as well. "We need to find keys." Lust said, "there's no way we can break open metal doors." He added, slamming his body into one.

There was a loud, husky growl from the other side. A monsters head came out the door, it's body still hidden behind the locked door. It seemed transparent. It's face resembled a of his horns broken. It's face was fat, black, creepy portals as eyes, it's skin the color of blood..

"Holy hell...what is that?!" Geno asked, backing up. "I-I don't know!" Lust shook his head, backing up into the door behind them. A hand came from out the door, grabbing Lust's skull, squeezing it. Lust started screaming and dropped the light, trying to grab the hand but he kept grabbing his own face. Geno looked around frantically for a weapon of some sort to see a sword. He quickly picked it up and stabbed the wrist of the monster only for it to go through the wrist and hit the metal door.

"GEnO! HeLP!" Lust screeched, his feet slowly coming off the ground due to the monster picking him up. "I'm trying I'm trying!" Geno cried out, trying to think of a way to help. He picked up the light and flashed it at the hand, making it smoke. The monster yelped and let Lust go, pulling his hand back.

Geno grabbed Lust and ran towards the stairs, "we'll come back down here later when I figure out what that is. For now, we're searching upstairs." Geno quickly said, pulling Lust up the stairs.

Lust nodded, scared to death to say anything.

Demons?! Yea, this book has gone crazy and I'm loving it! The more monsters...the sooner death arrives! :P.

Anyways, I'll catch ya on the flip side brosephs🌚🛒!¡

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