Chapter 2

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Strong rays of sunlight shone down on ThunderClan camp.

Birds chirped a sweet melody.

It had been seven sunrises since Mapleshade had been made a warrior. She felt more superior at border confrontations and was more excited then she had ever been at going to the upcoming gathering. New warriors always got to unless they had committed a crime or such.

Mapleshade emerged from the warriors den, her tortoiseshell pelt looking vivid in the sunlight. Her green eyes scanned the camp, hoping to be on another patrol today.

As she titled her head up to look at the clear blue sky, she realized that despite yesterday's chilled air, today was almost promising a few sunrises worth of warmth. But it's not like leaf-bare was that far away, and a lot of leaves had already fallen.

Shaking her head of her thoughts, she padded over to a stump in camp and sat down beside it. She then began to lick her dusty, damp and rustled fur. Gratitude began to seep into her as she drew her tongue along her paw. Gratitude that it was bright today, instead of yesterday's downpour. She didn't realize Sandsplash had been calling her name.

"Mapleshade! Gee, how long does it take for you to answer," Meowed the sandy brown she-cat with annoyance. "You were just selected to go on a border patrol." Mapleshade felt kinda stupid, yet nodded with confidence. "C'mon then," Sandsplash then murmured more casually and flicked her tail for the younger warrior to follow.

"Okay, everyone here now?" Mewed Rainfur, casting a glance around. Mapleshade nodded her head, alike to the other cats going on the patrol. Relief filled through the she-cat as the deputy seemed to take no interest in her delay. The patrol then proceeded to set out into the forest.

Mapleshade fell in step beside Duskfur and Mousepaw. Since she wasn't exactly sure where they were going, she decided to ask them just that.

"Which border are we going to?" She asked, leaping over a fallen tree.

"I'm pretty sure the one we share with RiverClan," Duskfur replied, turning his head slightly for a moment before facing forwards once more. Mapleshade nodded, squaring her shoulders as they got closer.

"Look," The deputy ordered suddenly, tilting her ears towards a group of cats who were straying close to RiverClan's side of the border. She sniffed the air for a moment, inhaling the scent of RiverClan. "RiverClan," she murmured. Her fur began to bristle with sudden hostility. But inside she felt a fierce confidence. Yet only until they approached their side of the border.

"RiverClan!" Mapleshade gasped, sniffing the ground. RiverClan scent was on ThunderClan side of the border! "They must've stolen prey!" Mousepaw growled, unsheathing his claws angrily. Mapleshade watched as Rainfur shot a menacing glare at Mousepaw. "Calm down," the grey warrior hissed. "This is still little evidence." But her words were quickly proven wrong.

"But look," Duskfur murmured with a motion of his tail for her to come over. "This whole patch of land is covered in their scent." Rainfur nodded her head at Duskfur's words. Mapleshade could swear the deputy said something else, but drained it out. Instead she focused on the incoming RiverClan patrol, who looked kinda nervous.

"Greetings," Sandsplash growled, her position confident as the enemy patrol approached. "An explanation for why you've been on our borders would be nice." The lead RiverClan cat curled their lip in a snarl. But it was a ginger she-cat who spoke.

"A few of our youngest apprentices have been trespassing. We sincerely apologize," She mewed, with a slight look of guilt. The other RiverClannners looked confused, but nodded. Could they be lying?

Mapleshade narrowed her eyes but didn't speak. Instead, Rainfur did. "Very well. But we don't want to see it again," Sharpness laced her tone. All of the RiverClan cats nodded, before moving further away from the ThunderClanners. The tortie then proceeded to think about the ginger warrior's words. She remembered that cat. It was Foxface. And Foxface was extremely clever and not to mention a good liar. Mapleshade sank her claws into the ground but said nothing.

"We should look into this. For now let's tell Vinestar what we saw," Rainfur announced, guiding the rest of the patrol back to camp with a flick of her tail.

I know, boring chapter. I was going to include Appledusk somewhere in the patrol, but I didn't know what to do with him so I didn't. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed despite how boring it may be.

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