Everyone has their secrets.
Sometimes these can be dangerous, other times they're not.
For these two, their secret is completely innocent.
They're married - not that anyone knows that.
For now.
Highest rating:
#25 Avengers (21st December 2019)
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@youngfabian: Good morning, Love from my judgemental friend and his tired owners Xx | @username: Hi Fabian 👋 @username2: Good morning 😆 @youngfabian: @username 👋👋 @username3: He doesn't look impressed with you 😂 @youngfabian: @username2 😴🌇 @username4: Did your partner take this? @username5: You're online early today @youngfabian: @username4 Yes, he did 😜 @username6: I know you're still very careful about what you post that eludes to your relationship, but I really hope you feel comfortable enough to post more stuff together one day @username7: Where's your wedding ring? 😏 @youngfabian: @username7 I don't shower with my jewelry on 😜 @username8: You're really active this morning, any reason? @username9: I love Joey ❤ @youngfabian: @username8 Not really, I'm just on my phone right now so it'd be rude to ignore you guys @username10: How come you're tired? 😏😉😏😉 @username11: You look like you're having an argument with the dog 😂 @youngfabian: @username10 Ha. No. Because it's early in the morning and we both have stuff to do before 9 in the morning. @youngfabian: @username11 I was.😒😜 @username12:Aww, you're a proper little family, minus the kids @youngfabian: @username12 Joey is our fur-baby. If I ever want to look after an actual kid, I can borrow my nephew for a couple hours 😂 @username13: Please post with your husband 🙏 @username14: How do you so easily go around without your wedding ring? I get anxious if I have to take mine off for longer than a couple minutes. I'm so used to it being there than it feels wrong when it's not. @username15: @username13 He won't. Probably never will. @username16: @username15 What are you implying? 😒 @youngfabian: @username14 I've spent years having to hide it so I think I just got used to not having it on my hand. I wore it on a chain a lot so that probably helped with the "anxiety" but I guess I'm just used to it not being there at this point. Now that I'm wearing it a lot more, that separation anxiety might spring up but it hasn't yet 😜 @username17:^^ That's so sad that you've become used to taking it off to hide your relationship 😭 I'm glad you don't have to do that anymore @username15: @username16 That he'll probably chicken out like a coward. Or, he's baiting us about the whole thing. @username18: @username15gtfo @username19: @username15 You call yourself a fan and then come out with a statement like that? Fuck off. @username20: If I couldn't see that slither of your underwear through the slit in the towel, I'd swear you're lazing around in just a towel @username21: @username20Nothing his partner hasn't seen before 😉😂 @username22: That comment you made about Joey judging everyone comes to mind 😂 @username23: It's Valentine's Day tomorrow, are you doing anything special? @youngfabian: @username23 Other than both taking a day off to spend time together, not really 😜 The possibilities are endless though so we might end up doing something in the end, who knows 😆 I mean, it'll be the first Valentine's Day that I'm openly in a relationship for @username24: ^ Please tell me you're going to post something cute for your partner tomorrow 🙏