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@therussobrothers: Who's ready for April??

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@therussobrothers: Who's ready for April??

Here's a sneak peek of @youngfabian 's part in this madness.
We'd like to extend a huge thank you to him for stepping in as a temporary stuntman way back in the beginning, and now for coming back to film with us in a completely different role. It's been a pleasure and we truly hope to work with him again one day.
(Tagged: @youngfabian)
@username: Sooo excited for this movie 😆
@username2: I thought it was about aliens and shit? He looks pretty human here
@username3: I fucking called it! I knew that you were going to get him into your film somehow 😏
@username4: He looks hot!
@youngfabian: It's been a great experience for me too! About working together again, who knows? If I decide on a career change, then maybe 😉😆
@username5: @username2 Maybe he's part of the after-credit scene?
@username6: He looks kind of evil and manipulative ngl 😬
@username7: I'm even more ready for April now 😆
@username8: I'm more intrigued than ever to find out how he fits into all of this 😍😮😆
@username9: Is that Darcy, or whatever her name was, in the last picture? The girl that worked with Jane Foster
@username10: Temporary stuntman to one of the cast? That's quite the promotion. Makes you wonder how that happened *cough*Sebastian*cough*
@username11: @username5 @username6 Maybe he's playing an upcoming villain - which would definitely mean he's coming back
@username12: @username10 Are you seriously implying he used his husband to get his face on screen? I hate to break it to you honey, but Fabian's been in films before, and already well on the way to being a very popular Instagrammer. He doesn't need Sebastian to get recognition, and how dare you insinuate he does.
@username13: @youngfabian Are you evil in this? Or does your character just have a very intense, domineering personality?
@username14: Flirting or threatening? Guess I'll have to wait until April to find out 😣
@username15: @youngfabian I'm so happy and proud of you! You made into a Marvel movie 😆👏
@username16: @username9 Maybe? It's been so long since we've seen her, I've been wondering how they've been doing and what they're up to tbh

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