sister blister (nick torres x reader)

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For @ilovecatshp2,it's a bit of a short one, sorry, but if you want another one don't hesitate to request another one!! Don't forget to give a little plot and some details!! xx

"For the last time, Allie, do not flirt with any of my coworkers." Ellie warned her sister yet again.

"I can't promise you that, Elle. You know that." I replied. I had to admit that pushing her buttons was somewhat a hobby of mine. Seeing her cheeks and ears turn red from frustration was one of the most satisfying things I could experience. It was great.

"Sorry I'm late, Gibbs. I'd promised my sister that I'd pick her up from the airport, and I don't trust that she could look after herself alone without either badly hurting or accidentally killing herself." Ellie shot a glare at me.

"You and I both know you're talking about the wrong twin. You were the one that put aluminium foil into my microwave for half an hour, thus setting my kitchen on fire and cutting off my electric supply for a week in the middle of a rough winter. Averages were like 20°." I retorted, making a man with a goatee, and another who was Latino, laugh. I made eye contact with the both, my attention lingering on the Latino.

"Allie, stop." Ellie whispered. I smirked at her and winked at him. He's cute. It's no surprise as to why Ellie loves this no so much. I know I would.

"I'm Allie." I introduce myself, reaching out a hand to the goatee man. "The far more superior twin."

"I'm Tim McGee." He laughs.

"And you?" I ask the Latino.

"Nicolas Torres. Call me Nick." He winks, shaking my hand and then pulling it to his lips, giving it a light kiss. I smirk before backing away, and turning to the man with silver hair.

"You must be Gibbs." I say. "Ellie literally thinks you're some sort of superhero."

"Shut up, Allie."

Gibbs smiles. "You must be Allie. Ellie thinks that you're some sort of superhero."

Out of the corner of my eye I see her facepalm herself before plopping behind her desk. "I guess I am." I joke. "Being a firefighter and all that jazz." 

"You're a firefighter?" Nick asks.

I smile, nodding. "Chicago Fire Department. Best job ever."

-  -  - ~ -  - ~ -  - ~ -  -  -

While Ellie was off doing her job, I stayed at her desk, doodling on a random piece of paper I'd found. Tim and Nick came in first, the senior field agent sat at his desk whereas Nick came over to me. "So, uh, Allie, do you want to go out for a drink?" He asks.

I smile. "Yeah. Now?" I say. He nods, suggesting we leave before Ellie can get there, and to also take the stairs, him then driving me to a bar.

 A/N - this just hit 1,000 reads!! thank you all so much! I'm so grateful <3

much love, 

pez <3 

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