My lil Miah

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Jerimiah is my little brother. He's the baby of my siblings. Maybe in a lot of ways, he's a bigger brother than I am to him.
I'm not gonna tell you about jerrycans history... I cannot. My brother never really got to know me as we were growing up. I think he's like 12 years younger than I am. 
  I'm really proud of the dude this guy has chosen to be. He's way smarter than he plays out to be. I see him making mature decisions in his life.
  He posts a small view of things online. I never really see him having a hard time, but I know he has them.
   He's about to become married to this beauty beside him. I cannot wait to get to know here better. I bet she's a hoot, to steal my baby brothers heart.
   Jerry has always come to visit me as an adult.
   This was the first time any of us had ever come to visit him.

  We were able to go to these very waterfalls just out side of Redding Ca where we stood nearly in the place where he asked Beth to marry him

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  We were able to go to these very waterfalls just out side of Redding Ca where we stood nearly in the place where he asked Beth to marry him.
  She said yes.
   In his 30's now, he has already seen more of the world than I have. He dedicated his twenties to the church and now, I feel, this generous, genuine compassionate, unconditional type of love that just generates from just sitting with them.
  In a lot of ways, I feel like I missed out on a lot of life with him, and we lack the true brother history that most brothers share.
   I could go down a long list of what that may look like, but to be honest, I can tell he has experienced this with other brothers, as I have. I long for the day when his defenses are down and he can be the person with me that he has been with those other brothers.
   I better start running marathons or something. I don't think it will happen anytime soon. May have to wait till I'm 50 or maybe even 55 before we have those drunken days we should have had in our youth. Hopefully I'm still alive. Jajaja
   Honestly though, I love this dude with all of my heart. I've carried a picture with me of him, from when he was just two years old, my whole life. I've held onto him tightly the whole time.
   I remember being a young boy, wishing for a brother. Something so many other people had around me. A true tie to the past. History and integrity are the true catalysts of relationship bonding. All of it. The angers. The loves. The frustrations. These are the clues that bind people together forever. Without them, no matter how much time has passed, I'm realizing really quick, it'll feel like you just met yesterday, even if you've known each other a lifetime.
   Jerimiah has been with me through several different cat lives. I have lost so many things in my life. So many.
   I never lost this picture of my little brother. It was damaged pretty badly before I laminated it. After that, it's helped me break into a bathroom or two that I locked myself out of. It's cut numerous amounts of dope into lines. Jerry, you were there the whole time, every time I had nobody to talk to, I would talk to that picture in a drugged up Kev, like you were there the whole time.
   But you were not. You were setting yourself up for a healthy lifestyle and the American Dream. House, pets, kids, two car garage. I'm glad you found your spot man.

  I could not be prouder of you Jerimiah

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  I could not be prouder of you Jerimiah.
  I'm happy for you and wish you a very long prosperous life dude. You're on your way.
   I've gotten very behind on my writing.
   I started this particular writing the day after I saw him in Redding.
   I remember freaking out a little about where I was to go next. I was hemorrhaging money, and finding it pretty hard to figure it out. I played like nothing was wrong really, but it was.
   I wasn't getting any responses from people who I had talked to about guest spots and as I went south, I found doors shutting basically being guided to my hometown.
   I did have a choice. I could have struggled in morrow bay where I didn't know a soul, or I could have wound up here. I will let you know, I did choose well.
   Being in my hometown has lead to many forgotten connections to people from my past. I feel like I'm getting more than just money here.
   It's a slow time, this time of the year. Thanksgiving to tax time, the deadest of the year for tattooers. I'm in a foxhole with these guys, and I am glad that it's these guys who are in it with me.
   Franky spends a lot of time with his new girlfriend Ohanna. She's a sweet golden retriever who's only mission is the ball. Her franky

make out all the time, trading the ball from mouth to mouth

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make out all the time, trading the ball from mouth to mouth. It's cute really. I have no picture of it.
   I'm staying behind my bro's house in a closed off ally that I have to back into every time I take my camper out to dump it.

    One way in

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    One way in. One way out. It's pretty secure and FRANKLIN kind of has a area. So it's super safe.
He has been

wanting to stray

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wanting to stray. I've been thinking about choppingem' off. Jajaja.
   I love this dog. He's super cool. My besty is getting so big.
  All in all, ups and downs and shit, camper life is the way to go and I wouldn't change it for a thing.
  I have so much more to write, but this will be it for today. Where ever you are, that's where you're at.
   I hope it's good my friends. Drop me a line if you have anything to say. Or just let me know you were here.

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