Chapter 4

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Hermione's P.O.V
I heard a slam of a door and opened my eyes and sat up breathing hard and fast.

"Oh you're awake!" Ginny said excitedly.

"Yeah, but why am I in the hospital wing?" I asked. Ginny and Harry looked at each other and Harry said "You fainted after the Sorting hat placed you with Malfoy." Then I remembered everything "Oh Merlin help me."

Draco's P.O.V
"Great," I thought "I really have to marry Granger" I groaned at this fact. "What will mother do when she finds out?" I knew my mother wasn't prejudice, but imagine what she would do if she knew it was Hermione Granger. The one that put my father in prison, the love of her life.

Then I looked up and I was already in front of the potions classroom. I opened the door and every one turned to look at me.

"Ah Mr. Malfoy pleasure of you to join us. Do take a seat." Slughorn said.

I took my seat next to a fellow Slytherin and they started talking to me in a whisper. "I can't believe you're gonna marry a filthy little mudbood." The Slytherin said.

"Don't you dare call Granger a mudblood." I said in a low threatening tone.

"Are you defending that Know-it-all?" The Slytherin said in shock.

Then I realized what I said "Not at all, I'm saying she is something much worse, I can't believe she fainted, how pathetic is she." I sneered.

"You're right she is really pathetic" The Slytherin said.

"Mr.Malfoy stop talking" Slughorn said

"Sorry professor Slughorn." I said quickly

After that I stopped talking to the Slytherin and paid attention in class.

Hermione's P.O.V
After Harry and Ginny left I was bored after a few minutes or so. I got bored and just thought to myself "I am really marrying Malfoy. The one who has been calling me that horrific name ever since I came to Hogwarts."

I then got out of the hospital bed and thanked Madam Pomfrey on my way out. I then started walking to transfiguration to make sure I am still top of class.

I then walked into the transfiguration classroom where I was supposed to be and when I opened the door everyone turned to look at me.

Since Professor Mcgonagall has not found a new transfiguration she still has to teach transfiguration.

"Ah, Ms. Granger glad you feel better please take a seat." Mcgonagall said and pointed to my seat.

I sat down and listened to what Mcgonagall was saying. When I realised only the Gryffindor 7th years and the 8th years were there.

"Because of the Marriage Law everyone will be taking seperate classes to show you how to live, survive, and care for a child." Mcgonagall stated.

I hear some mumbling of how stupid this law is even though every knows that.

"This will happen everyday right before dinner in the great hall and you will have to share a dorm with your respective partner." Mcgonagall announced.

"You will be getting an owl tonight and you will pack your things from your dorms and go to your new homes for now until the end of the year." Mcgonagall said with a very stern face.

"You are all free to leave." Mcgonagall said and everyone shuffled out.

To be continued...

Hello there! I would like to inform you that Harry and Ginny did get sorted together (obviously, it's a given) just felt like clarifying. Ok Bye!

~Your Wonderful Writer, Namjoonie_ya ♡3♡~

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