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After my Hospitalization time was up I was released and sent back home with a few things to watch out for. Like no lifting things that are more than 25 lbs. and on a side note I was told I could start helping out with Akuma's again but I had to use my dragon for transport for about a week. Which was fine by me.   "Nice to be home" Gong said flying into his house,"Gah! It's all dusty!"

He started a cleaning spree. I also cleaned up my room as well since it was a bit stuffy in the room. So after an hour everything was presentable. Mari then came in wow this cleans up nicely" She said

"Thanks" I told her

Gong was still cleaning out his house. "Did you make this?" Mari asked pointing at the house

"Yea I kind of became an expert in building this kind of thing thanks to Pythor" I told her

"The last anocondrai? Why him?" Mari asked

I told her to sit down. "So during the whole Golden master thing Pythor was helping the Golden master because well he hated me in general. So...Oh hey Adrien" I said when he opened my door

"Adrien"Mari said

"Yeah thought I'd see how Lloyd was doing" Adrien said

"I'm much better now then I originally was. That first week with Drakon was painful to say the least they had to put us on entirely  seperate floors and on opposite ends of the building just so we'd heal properly" I told him

Adrien let out a laugh. "Well go to see you out and about again. so what where you telling Marinette about?" Adrien laughed

"I was telling her about Pythor and how we had him imprisoned that one time not that long ago." I told him

Adrien gave me a face that told me to continue" So as I was saying He hated me in general so he teamed up with the overlord to get me and after a bit of a struggle it finally came to the final show down and we had prepared a concuction to get rid of the golden power once and for all but Pythor got in the way of the potion and well he shrank to about the size of Mari's hand well at Kryptarium prison there wasn't a cell small enough for him and he had to be kept a constant eye on so I created one for him kinda like that model over there and well ever since when everything else has failed to calm me down I like doing that sort of thing. I'm not quite done with it just yet though" I said

Adrien walked over to it. "Wow talk about unique" Adrien said slightly panicking a bit and I saw why Plagg was lounging in one of the chairs that I had made.

"Feel free to look around it" I told him "Just try not to destroy it"

"Thanks" Adrien said quickly grabbing Plagg and shoving him into his pocket

"Well it was nice seeing you, but tomorrow is first day back to school from hospital I I'm gonna turn in early" I told Adrien

"Alright hey Lloyd do you think we can go to that tea shop again?" Adrien asked

"Sure" I told him showing him out,"See you tomorrow"

I closed the door to get swamped by Mari. "You took him to a tea shop as in a date and he liked it?" Mari said

"Okay 1) calm down Mari. 2)it was an outing between friends. 3)It was the day of the Mr. Pigeon attack I would have invited you but you were focused on the competition" I reminded her

Her face went blank. "Where did you go?" She groaned

"Mystake's Mystical Tea's" I told her,"And you can come with us this time if you wish"

She smiled and left skipping out of my room. I sighed once she left with Tikki and Gong flew over to me. "She's gonna find out eventually you know but you should tell Adrien your identity" Gong advised

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