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I got to school the next morning after securing everything around the house because Mari was babysitting Manon today for a few hours after school. Today the two where going to play wiht a set of doll that Mari had made including:Chat Noir, Ladybug, Lady WiFi, Evilistrator, and Rogercop. She was still working on the Lloyd and Drakon dolls apparently. "Is your room secure" Mari asked

"Yes it is and remember what I said yesterday still stands.  "I told her with a stern glance

"Got it" Mari said

I sat down in my seat to see Chloe and Sabrina make up to one another. It was nice. The school day passed by quickly. I met up with Adrien outside of the school building. "Did Natalie tell you?" Adrien asked

"Tell me about what?" I asked

"We are working with an abroad model today from Ninjago "Adrien said

"And" I said having a good guess to where this was going

"The model is Kai" Adrien said

"Great" I sighed

We loaded into the Limo to head to the photo shoot. This time it was inside a studio instead of in a cathedral. Today we were modeling on a clothesline based on the the three heroes. Once there I was pulled into a room by my group. I got changed in to the Chat Noir side of the men's line. Adrien was doing the Ladybug version which meant Kai was doing the Drakon version. I sighed as I got dressed. My hair was then done along with makeup.

I went out to wait on the others. I was the first one done so I took a seat since the crew was still setting up. "Nice to see you again Lloyd" Kai said taking a seat next to me

"I would say the same but after the last time it is not nice to see you again" I said giving him the cold shoulder

Adrien sat between the two of us. "Excuse me"Kai said

"Lloyd you'll be over with Peier. Kai with Valdan and lastly Adrien your with me for singles. "The head photographer said

I was glad to get away from Kai. I did my pictures alone then in duos with Kai, Adrien, or one of the girls who was doing the female side for this line. Then in trio's I was put with two of the girls or with Adrien and a girl or Kai and a girl or just Kai and Adrien. Yeah that last one was kind of tense. I incorporated what I saw in Chat's actions in my photo session. "Is that how I really act" Adrien asked in a whisper

"Yes it is a flirt and a goof ball" I returned in the same volume

Kai on the other hand was not really doing me as Drakon that well. "Maybe he should have been given Ladybug? "Adrien questioned

"Maybe I trust my hero image to you more than I do to Kai" I said

Adrien laughed. We ended the shoot without a problem from Kai. We left the studio. "Lloyd" A woman with light purple hair said

"Nadia didn't expect to see you here" I told her

"I thought that you'd be helping Marinette with looking after Manon"She said

Yup she's Manon's mother. "I was working today" I explained to her

"You heading to your house then"she said

"Lloyd who is this?" Kai asked walking up to me

"Nadia this is Kai and Kai this Nadia she's a friend of my mom's. My sister and I look after her daughter on occasion" I said

Adrien was very familiar with Manon by now including her habits. "Well I better go pick her up would you like to come with me?" Nadia asked

"I'm sorry but Natalie must be the one to drop me off at home once I'm done with my photo shoots" I apologized

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