Part 2

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Harry took a step closer to the younger Voldemort and just stands there ready to deflect any spell or curse thrown his way.
To his surprise the male infront of him wrapped his arms around Harry's neck embracing him in a huge hug. Star struck Harry tenses.

Everyone around is looking at them confused. Ginny ran over and yanked Harry away pulling him up from his sitting position. "Stay away from my boyfriend you FREAK!" Ginny yells at Tom who is still on the floor looking up at the two. Harry suddenly felt defensive, "You're NOT my girlfriend" Harry said glaring at Ginervra.
"But Harry I said I'm sorry!" She looked like she was about to cry.
"IM GAY! And you said you were gonna," Harry put on a fake girly voice and put air quotes in the air "'turn me straight' THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS!"

Ginny stormed off and Harry turned back to Tom. For some reason he felt as if he had a soft spot for the boy infront of him. Harry surprised himself and everyone around by offering his hand to young riddle. He didn't know what came over him but he felt a strong urge to be close or hold the boy infront of him but he resisted.

~Time skip to 1 hour later~

Harry was in Dumbledores old office, he had to talk to headmistress mcgonagll about what would happen to Tom. "Professor, what are we doing about the 15 year old Voldemort waiting in the great hall?! After my talk with him it seems he can't remember anything of being Voldemort. He only remembered me because he had flash backs of our meeting on my 2nd year."

Mcgonagll was deep in thought "if he can't remember anything, maybe we can give him a second chance of a good life?"

Harry knew Mcgonagll was a forgiving person and who always saw the light in people even when their dark side tried to push the light away but this seemed barbaric to Harry.

"You have to be kidding professor, what if he attacks someone if he remember who he is or what if he goes down the same path as his old self?"

"Potter, I have thought this through. Ofcourse certain precautions will be taken to ensure yours and other students safety agains him if he does anything you think he might. Although I have to ask you to take care of him Potter. He knows no one here, not even himself, other than you."

Harry was stunned but before he could properly react he was pushed through the door. Before the door slammed in his face mcgonagll said "you and Tom will stay here over the summer instead of going to the weasleys but they shall visit if you wish them to."

~Time skip by a week because I'm lazy~

It was finally the day before summer but only few wondered the halls of hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry since students had went home straight after the war. The halls were always filled with grief and tragedy since the only people who remained were there because they had no family left or didn't want to go home to their death eater parents who hated them.

The school was being fixed little by little as all the professors, Tom and Harry helped to amend the school which had suffered a lot after the 2nd wizarding world war.

The day was over and Harry walked to his small dorm he shared with Tom. They both got ready for bed by getting their PJs on and brushing their teeth. Harry put the silencing charms up on his bed like usual as he tend to wake up screaming from a nightmare of everyone who died, his family, friends and other people he didn't know would scream how this was his fault they were dead. This nightmare had come to Harry ever since the moment he walked into the great hall lined with bodies, of even haunted him during the day yk the point he'd feel warm salty tears slide down his face and have to quickly hide them from Tom. "This is going to be a long year" Harry thought to himself.

rolling over in his bed Harry tried to think of anything positive. hoping for a good nights rest without nightmares Harry drifted off into his sleep that was already filling with screams. Little did he know his silencing charm hadn't worked this time.

Him and Tom were in for a long night.

Hope you enjoyed. Please leave feedback and tell me if you're enjoying the story and if not please tell me what I can do to improve!

-Tayla ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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