Class Representative

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The next day, Haiku walked to school by herself still upset that she thinks everyone is scared of her but she got jumped by the media. She scared and did not know what to do, showed her fangs to the media. The media jumped at the sight of her fangs and they thought she was going to bite them. She ran away covering her mouth hiding her fangs. After that, Izuku, running trying to catch up with Haiku, "Haiku wait up." Haiku ignoring him. Izuku saying, "Hey, I need to talk to you." Haiku madly saying but still in her sweet voice, "Why aren't you scared of me too." Izuku saying, "No, I would never be scared of you." Haiku with a little attitude said, "Yeah right, tell the rest of the class that." Izuku saying, "They were not scared of you, they were just a little surprised that your wolf form looked like that. I was even surprised that you had a wolf form or to different colored eyes." Haiku calming down a little bit and said, "Fine, I will take your word for it." Haiku getting closer to Izuku. They got to class. When they got to class and sat down Aizawa started saying, "You all did a good job on your hero training. And Bakugou your talented so don't cry like a little child over your lost." Aizawa just got a scoff out of Bakugou. As Aizawa continued.., "Haiku you need to control yourself. You can't just try to attack anyone that hurts Midoriya. You need to learn self control." When he said that she just quietly nodded. Then Mr. Aizawa told Izuku something (You will know what he told him if you watched My hero academia). The he said, "We need to pick a class representative." Everyone was excited that they had a chance to be class rep. Everyone was yelling over each other while Haiku covering her ears. Then Iida calmed all of them by saying, "We should do voting." They all started to vote. Haiku thinking who she would vote for.

Haiku: Maybe I should vote for Izuku. No he still a little shy when it comes to stuff like this. Maybe Iida, he is always on top of the class for everything.... I guess I will vote for Iida.

After voting it ended up with Izuku 3, Momo 2, and Idia 1. Izuku is the class rep and Momo is the class officer. They went to lunch. Haiku saying in her sweet but shy voice, "I am really sorry for scaring you when we did hero training, Uraraka." Uraraka saying, "Its okay, you just caught me off guard. I didn't know you could be that scary." Haiku head leaned towards Izuku. Izuku blushing a little as Idia said, "I bet you will be a good class rep that's at least why I voted for you." Uraraka commenting, "I thought you really wanted to be class rep though." Haiku saying quietly while her head on Izuku's shoulder, " Yeah, you always take charge, and that's why I voted for you." Iida confused why she voted for him said, "Why did you vote for me I thought you didn't like us very much." Haiku said, "Well, I don't like new people because it takes me a while to warm up to them but I warmed up to you guy a little and I trust you guys." All three of them had a shocked expression on their faces but that went away right when an alarm went off. Haiku's ears started to hurt at the alarm as her head quickly got off Izuku's shoulder. Haiku covering her sensitive ears as Iida said to a random boy, "What's going on?" The random boy said, "That means somebody broke in, this has not happened in my 3 years here, so we got to go." Everyone was panicking but the only thing Haiku could hear was the ring of the alarm as she tried her best to cover her ears as she was getting rushed along by the current of students shoving in the hallway. All of a sudden her tail got accidentally pulled, as she let out a small yelp that showed her fangs, she started to fall. She tried to catch herself with her ice but before she could let out some ice, somebody caught her. When she looked at who caught her she saw a purple haired boy. Her still covering her ears she got up from the boys arms. By then Iida has calmed down everyone and the alarm has stopped. Haiku still covering her ears because she could still can hear ringing. Haiku saying in her quiet but kind voice, "Um...Thanks." The boy said, "Are you okay?" Haiku just quietly nodded as she shyly waved bye but before that she slipped something into his hand. The boy opened that paper confusingly.

My name is Haiku Kiko. That is nice name. Maybe I should tell her my name.

"My name is Hitoshi Shinso." He yelled as she was walking away. She looked at him and gave him a shy and small smile. Her ears still ringing alittle bit as she went into her classroom. Thats when she found out that Izuku gave class rep to Iida. She was happy that Izuku was nice enough to do that.

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