Obstacle Race

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Once the final bulb dimmed and Mightnight shouted for us to begin. Haiku took a leap turning into her wolf form and starting running. Haiku was one the people in the very front. Haiku could already see the first obstacle it was regular ol' doorway to the outside of arena.

Haiku planned not to use her ice quirk if it was not necessary. She didn't want to be stiff and cold at the end because her ice develops frost to fast.

Haiku jumped over half the crowd making her the first person through the doorway. Haiku still had her shy but serious face as she got out of the doorway. She took another leap flinging herself forward more.

"You got this Haiku." Haiku said to herself. Haiku had a little more confidence but still kept her serious face on.

Todoroki then suddenly started freezing the ground. Haiku noticed the ice, she leaped as the ice pasted her. She landed but as she touched the iced over ground she slipped. She landed on her said and let out a big grunt. She saw

Todoroki passed her. She got up really fast as she got up, she took a deep breath breathed out. Todoroki got blowen out of the way. He let out a big grunt.

"Wow, look at Haiku Kiko go she just blew Todoroki out of the way!" Pressent mic said.

She felt bad but she kept running as she past him she said, "Sorry Todoroki." He gave her a smirk as he got up.

"Nice trick Todoroki!" Momo yelled as she saw Haiku in first and Todoroki in second.

"You won't be getting away so easily!" Katsuki exclaimed as he propelled himself forward with his explosion. "You mutt and icy-hot bastards!!!"

"Wow, look at Haiku go." Mina said as she was running.

Mineta bounce off his sticky balls as he caught up to Todoroki and Haiku. "You think you're so cool, but I've outsmarted you!" The dwarf child declared. "Ha, How pathetic, Todoroki! Beat this, my special attack!" He then grabbed one of his balls from his head, and prepared to throw it.

But just as he was about to, he was suddenly knocked away by something solid. Haiku stopped for a second with some frost on her fur in her wolf form. Haiku looked up with a serious but a little scared expression. There were blocked by some large robots. The ones that were just like in the entrance exam. And some of them were the zero-point robots.

Haiku just brushed her little bit of scaredness away and started to run and slid right under the legs of the front robots. She turned around really fast and took a deep breath and blew out. Wind escaped her lips agian but this way stronger. The wind was colder and stronger just like in the quirk assesment.

She blew everybody including Todoroki and Bakugou. She saw that it also blown Izuku back. She hated hurting her friends a little but she had to. More frost developed on her fur.

"Sorry guys." Haiku said while running away.

"Look at Haiku go !" Present Mic said loudly. "She didn't come to UA on recommendation, but her quirk is really strong! She is running like its nothing. She in first place!"

"You mutt!!!" Haiku heared as she looked back while running. She saw Bakugou and Todoroki was catch up. She yelled, "No your not going to pass me!!!" She was still running and got out of her wolf form.

"Haiku is out of that form what is she doing?!" Present mic said.

She but her hand behind her back and shot an ice wall and some icicles at Bakugou and Todoroki. They jumped back to try avoid it but it just blocked them.

"Wow, she just made an ice wall. I didn't kow she could do that." Present mic said as Mr. Aziawa responded, "Everyone always underestmates Haiku because she is too kind and shy but when she is motivated enough she can surprise you.

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