The Sports Festival

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Days passed until the sports festival finally came. Everyone did their own thing to make sure they were successful in the festival. In those day, Haiku practiced where she practiced for the entrance exam. Her mom helped her most of the time when her mom did not have work. Her mom is half wolf like her so she couldn't help Haiku with her ice but she tried her best.

Haiku kept contact with her peers, mostly Izuku but it was only to check on one another here and there. Even though she wanted to hangout with Izuku but Haiku promised herself she was not going to get distracted. She didn't want to push him away, she just wanted to focus on herself. Even her own training had some problems.

[Few Days Before The Sports Festival]

Haiku breathing really hard, with hair in a ponytail and her hair out of her way uncovering her yellow eye. She had frost on her. Her mom put a hand on her shoulder and said, "We can take a brake if you want." Haiku looked up at her mom and said, "No, I am fine." "You are tired, don't lie to me." Before Haiku could say anything Haiku's mom said, "Sorry sweetie, I have to go to work, make sure you take brakes and don't over work yourself." Haiku waved bye to her mom.

Haiku contiuned with her training. She set up her training dummys agian. She started to make Icicles and throwing them at the dummy's. She also was working with her wolf form claws. Her wolf form also tires her out but she kept working to work up her stamina.

[Present Day in Sports Festival]

"Geez, I can't wait to see what sort of things we're going to participate in." Uraraka ran a hand threw her short bob.

"Me neither, there's no doubt it will be difficult, ribbit." Tsuyu replied turning to the pink cheeked girl.

"How about you Haiku?" Uraraka asked Haiku who was just standing by Izuku.

She was about to speak but a voice cut her off.

"Midoriya." Todoroki approached Izuku with a stoic expression on his face. "From an objective standpoint, I think it's fairly clear that i'm more stronger than you. However, you've got All Might on your coner and-" His eyes looking at Haiku who was to the side of Izuku.

Haiku's ears went back and looked away.

Stay out of it Haiku. This is not my fight.

Haiku tried to distract herself from Todoroki's vocie.

Kirishima got up and tried to reason with Todoroki. His words were brushed off. Looking to Izuku, he also said a few words.

"All of the other courses they're coming for us with everything they got. We're all going to fight to stand out and i'll be aiming for the top to."

"I still like Izuku. No matter what. Wolves always work in packs." She snuggled her head in his shoulder. "Izuku is my pack."

She let go of Izuku's arm, Izuku looked over to her as she said, "You have the spirit of a hero so use it Izuku."

She put her hair up ready to go as she walked away from Izuku.

Izuku was mentally cheering Haiku on. He had to admit that Todoroki was right about this festival not being a teameffort nor was it about friendship. That didn't stop him from supporting her.


Haiku have never felt more scared in her life. There must've been thousands of people in the stadium. Imagine how many people were watching. Her ears were back and she could feel her heart beat really fast.

She took a deep breath and calmed herself.

Cheers and wolf whistles erupted from the crowed most of them being males. It was because it was the hot, rated-R hero, Midnight. Haiku covered her ears.

Midnight set the crowd in a frenzy with her beauty though she quickly calmed them speaking up, "For the student pledge, Katsuki Bakugou."

Bakugou walked up to the micphone and said, "I just wanna say...I'm gonna win."

Other students got mad at him.

"Alright, let's get this thing started." Midnight shouted. "This is where you begin feeling the pain." She whipped her flogger. "The first fateful game of the festival."

A screen appeared behind the woman and it said, "Obstacle Race."

"The track is four kilometers outside of the arena. I don't wanna restrain anyone, at least in this game. As long as you don't leave the course you're free to do whatever your heart desires. Now then take your place contestants."

The students of each class rushed towards the large hallway. Haiku rushed off to the massive crowd gathered at the large hallway.


I can do this


Show them what I can do


I'm going to win


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