The Hunt.

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"No way!" Cole whined adorably when he saw the sun was coming up.

"Yea that happens!' He chuckled putting his arms around Cole. "Are you getting bored?"

"Abousltly not, I just can't believe it's morning again." He stretched and yawned.  "I know I can't be tired." He yawned harder.

Zeke stretched and yawned himself. "Sleep doesn't sound bad." He closed his laptop. The two went upstairs, to the VIP room.  Zeke was going to make his move, and feed on Cole, but before he could, Cole was snoring.  Zeke held Cole resting his forehead on the back of Cole's. 

Cole was running in the woods, it was dark and misty. The trees were tall pine trees, appearing as shadows. The mist glew,  advertising in eerie neon, the moon was full, and the night open to hunt... he sniffed the air, the scent of something made him stand, he turned to the direction of the breeze, and took another deep sniff. Oh, that smell, it was sweet, salty. He started to run towards it,  he was getting close to it, and it started to move away from him. "Hey come back!" He shouted at it. "I just want to see why you smell so good!"

He sped up, now sprinting, sometimes leaping over downed trees, his feet seeming to know exactly where to land, so he wouldn't trip. Moonbeams made the trees appear as shadows. Cole was having fun, but was curious as to what could possibly smell that good. He had never ran as fast as he was then, but somehow he ran faster, much much faster. He was getting closer to the smell again. 

Slowly a shadow appeared, and he got closer to it. It was a person!  Instinct took over, the closer he got to this man, the less control he had it seemed. It was mere seconds before he was close enough to make out the look of horror in the man's face, the look of dread in his eyes. The knodgle he was about to die... Cole threw himself at him.

Cole clamped onto his shoulders, savagely pulling the man down. The man screamed out, and Cole sunk his fangs into the man's neck, the man struggled fruitlessly under Cole, and in a few seconds went limp under him, as he surrender his life to Cole. Those were, however, the best few seconds of Cole's life... Not once had he ever felt that powerful, that in control, of everything! He could have lived in those seconds for the rest of his life, but they ended, leaving Cole laying over the corps of the man he had just Killed...

"NO!" Cole screamed shooting up out of Zeke's arms, throwing himself against the wall, drenched in his own cold sweat. What the hell was that? He wondered. It was terrible.

"What?" Zeke asked rubbing his head, confused. "What's wrong!" He sat up noticing something was wrong with COle. The door swung open quickly.  "I think it was a dream!" He nodded at Edmund, who nodded at him and closed the door. Cole nodded his eyes still wide, from killing the man.  "You will never have to feed on anyone..." Zeke slid over to Cole's side of the bed, and pulled Cole to bed. Zeke was only mostly sure that was what had Cole upset, it wasn't uncommon for Vampires to get dreams like these, he had one a few weeks ago. The first few could be, intense. "This is why I love you." Zeke whispered pulling Cole to his back. Cole curled up, and cried, resting his head on Zeke's chest.  That and the smell coming from Cole's Pj's, that any other time would have driven Zeke to take Cole. That night, Cole was in distress, and Zeke needed to comfort his Mate.

Zeke Stroked Cole's hair until he fell back asleep. Cole was so sensitive, it was a good thing, they had an in with a blood bank, he doubted Cole would otherwise be able to feed otherwise. Maybe Cole could be a feral vampire, the thought amused him. It was a misnomer, of course. Feral vampires, only fed on animals and were organized more like Werewolves used to, when they still existed. Zeke had heard all sorts of interesting ruroms about them, from ways of life, to how... Excoit they sometimes got. Zeke pushed these thoughts out of his mind, mainly for Cole's sake, and fell back asleep.

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