7 - tour

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~Lylah's POV~

As Bil drove us home from our adventure , I looked over to her and smiled.  "You're so beautiful." I said, feeling soft.  Billie pulls her hair out from behind her ears, pretty much making it so I can't see her face.

"Shut the fuck up." She laughs. I'm not showing off on or anything, but I'm pretty sure I just made the Billie Eilish, the 'I'm not soft tf?' Billie Eilish blush. That's a skill.

We sat in a comfortable silence before Billie says, "Just so you know, this is how I dreamed my life would turn out." "Me, you, together. I was just scared to say."

"You're so cute what the fuck!" I say, throwing my hands in the air, pretending to be angry.  As we pulled into the drive way her phone started to ring. "Who is it Bil?" I say, concerned by the way her face drops looking at it.

"Fuck, I gotta get this." Billie says, jumping out of the parked car and running inside. Well shit, that was a bit harsh. I just lay in the car expecting her to come back out in a minute.

But when I turn to my phone and its been half-an-hour I realize something must be wrong. I walk to Billie's room, the door is closed but it's also silent in there.

"Billie?," I say, knocking on her door. "Everything okay in there?" She doesn't respond. I slowly open her door anyways, hoping she just has her headphones on or something. "What the fuck Lylah!" She yells at me, sitting in her bed while on her phone.

I was stunned. "I'm sorry- did I say something?" "Leave me the fuck alone!" She continues. "Fine you bitch!" There's a burn in my throat as I say it. I start to feel teary eyed as I walk out of her room.

I quickly turn back to see her back on her phone, obviously not bothered by what she said at all. As I walk home in tears I realize this the second time I've done this, this week.

Walk home from Billie's house feeling so much hate towards her, but knowing deep down I love her too much to. I don't think she means it, but she's playing with my fucking emotions and I don't think I can handle it. Though I'm genuinely confused. What did I do?

~Billie's POV~

Tears streamed down my cheeks as Lylah left the house. Why the fuck do I always go and mess things up? My phone started to ring when we were in the car and when I realized it was my management calling I freaked out.

They told me that I'd be doing a world tour for 3 months, all of summer. I had just fallen for this beautiful angel Lylah and I'd have to leave her for her whole summer break. "Why fucking me?!" I screamed.

"Why did I have to be given this life?" I sobbed and sobbed into my pillow, the feeling of regret taking over my body. The best thing I could think to do in the moment would to be to cut Lylah out of my life.

I think looking at her face would make me cry. And I think I hurt her to the point where she wouldn't want to see me anyways. I stayed in my room all day, crying. I was alone now. Lylah hates me.

I fucking messed it all up.

~Lylah's POV~

I try to hold myself together as I walk past my family to my room, though as soon as I reach my bed I let it all out. I collapse to the floor, the tears not seeming to stop. My body was shaking as I just cried and cried. "I had to say something and go and fuck it all up!" I yell, taking short breaks in-between words to cry. I pull out my phone and text Billie;

lylah: i'm so sorry please talk to me tell me what i did wrong                                                                                                                                                        seen                                                                                                           

Knowing that she saw the message but didn't bother to reply broke my heart into 10 million fucking pieces. I don't know what I said but whatever I did obviously was extremely offensive and I'd do anything to get her to tell me what happened. "Wait.." I said under my breath, having a sudden realization. The phone call. The fucking phone call.

lylah: what happened on the phone call billie
billie: i'm going on tour

~Incoming call from Billie~

"I'm so sorry-" Billie sobs into the phone.

"Sorry for what Billie?"  I feel tears come to my eyes.

"I don't think this is going to work out."

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