10 - i love you

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~Lylah's POV~

I stare at the background on my phone , a picture of a literal angel hugging me

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I stare at the background on my phone , a picture of a literal angel hugging me. "Beautiful." I mouth, accidentally getting Billie's attention. Bil roles over so she is now looking at my phone with me. 

"You talking about yourself?" Billie asks, smiling at me. "I swear, you the have most amazing ears, and no bitch you know exactly who I was talking about." I laugh.

I can feel my cheeks turn warm and red as Billie stares deep into my eyes. "Why am I so lucky?" Billie asks, her smile staying glued on her face. She lifts her hand to my cheek and laughs, "it's so easy to make you blush." 

"Shut the fuck up!" I say, dropping my face into my arms. Still sheltered my own body I say, "and that's coming out of your mouth-" To see how she reacts I look up, her face a soft red. 

"I want to kiss you so badly right now." Billie beams. "Kiss me then." She brought me into a passionate though short kiss and I held a confused look on my face. 

"Leaving so soon?" I ask, slightly curious on why she pulled away so quickly. "I'm sorry to be like this, but it's like 8pm and we haven't eaten dinner-" She says as I cut her off. "And you're starving." I mock as I put on a fake pout and she laughs and nods.

"You suck, you're lucky that I'm nice." I smirk. It's true though, I used to never do anything for anyone so this just proves I'm head over heals for this girl.

~Billie's POV~

Her face glowed dimly in the room lit with only a lamp. "I want to kiss you so badly right now." I say, really desperate but knowing I needed to eat something because if we got into anything I'd have to stop half way through to get food because that's the bitch I am.

 After breaking our short-lived kiss she made fun of me before saying, "You suck, you're lucky that I'm nice." Which was so true. To be honest if I was her I would of told me to shut the fuck up and kiss her some more. 

I knew I was being an ass but compared to what I would be soon if I don't get food is nothing compared. Mega ass. "You always have to ruin the moment!" She laughs, getting up and running out of the room. 

"Where you going?" I yell out, no answer. I slowly get up out of bed and find her in the kitchen as she is making me a burrito. "Oh my fucking god!" I shout with glee, basically jumping into her arms. "Woah, Billie- it's just a fucking burrito." She laughs before going on to say, "You'd rather a burrito than me!"

~Lylah's POV~

I finish making her burrito and place it down on the counter. "One large burrito, only beans." I smile, talking in a posh voice. "You're the fucking best." She grins before biting into it.


"I'm sorry, I literally suck

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"I'm sorry, I literally suck." Billie says, finishing her burrito that I made. "Yeah, you do suck but I'll forgive you if we can continue what we could of started." 

There's a long pause before Billie says, "You're gonna fucking hate me after this but to be honest I just wanna sleep and cuddle you, for the first time ever I don't think I'm in the mood." 

"God Billie, I'll be nice and it's true that snuggling you is good too." I say, trying to act pissed but honestly a bit tired myself and at the moment cuddles sounds great.

 "I'm really scared to leave you for tour." Billie says, suddenly fear and sadness in her eyes. "Hey, hey baby." I start, looking her in the eyes and laughing. 

"You're gonna have fun, you know it."

~Time skip a couple days~

It was 10pm and Billie goes on tour tomorrow. As we stand in the middle of Billie's room hugging I hear her let out a muffled sob into my shoulder. 

"Billie-" I start, lifting her damp face into my hands. "It's going to be okay!" I smile, making strong eye-contact. She nods as I go onto say, "We have a plan, FaceTime every day and text all the time." I laugh, extending the word 'all'.

 I bring her back into a hug as she cries into my shoulder. Billie is obviously extremely sad but to be honest so am I but I want to stay strong for her. It's hard. 

"I just-" Billie stutters. "What Billie?" I ask, starting to feel down myself. "I love you." Billie says, looking at her feet. "Bil-" I start, feeling like I'm going to cry.

 "I love you too."

~Billie's POV~

"I love you too." She says, her eyes glossing over. She lifts my head back into her hands and then tells me, "We're going to be okay." I nod my head, hoping she was right. 

"Now we don't have long!" Lylah laughs, and suddenly it doesn't feel like I have tour tomorrow. "I know exactly what you mean." I wink, biting my bottom lip. "Woah Billie, that isn't what I meant- I don't know if I'm in the mood-" Lylah says. 

My heart stops racing and I'm suddenly pissed. "I'm horny, bitch!" I whine. Lylah laughs as she says, "I'm kidding, that was payback for a couple days ago. Let's have some fucking fun."

A/N - this chapter is so sweet :,) haha u don't know what's coming.. jk. unless.. anyways uh thank you for 1000 reads and #5 on #billieeilish omfg i never thought this story would get that far i love you readers sooo much!! i hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it took so long to write

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