New York

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A.N.) This will be one of my first stories I write. There will be some spelling and grammar mistakes. Read at your own risks! This is a story for mature readers.

It's 57 degrees... The coldest so far in this time of year. I slip my black boots on and wrap my gray scarf around my neck. I peak down the hallway, trying to see if Dani is up yet.
I hear her alarm going off and a groan coming from her room.
She was out last night, going to a night club like usual on Friday nights.
I remember her calling me, asking if I could come pick her up cause she was drunk.
Dani was out of her mind, it took her about 10 minutes just to tell me where she was, I stand up straight and walk down the hallway that leaded to her room.
I stop at her doorway peaking my head in. My eyes gazing the full sized bed sitting in the right hand corner of the room. Pink sheets and a purple blanket half way off the bed. I see Dani's light brown hair falling over her face. Drool slipping out the corner of her mouth, her short black dress and high heels still on her. I walk over and sit on the edge of her bed, the sun shinning in along my face. I roll my eyes and then smack her shoulder. Her eyes opening right away and her head coming off the pillow.
" Dani you ruined a perfectly good dress " I say getting up and taking her heels off.
" Lil.... " I hear her say annoyed.
" Come on, get up, its the weekend and we are going to Starbucks this morning before I go to work, remember? " I say putting my hand on my hip.
" Oh my god, Lily stop yelling at me! "
Dani saying getting out of bed and almost tripping on her own two left feet.
" Go take a shower and I will meet you at Starbucks " I say handing her a towel and walking out of the room. I leave Dani with a mad face, her hair was a mess and she was covered in the smell of alcohol. The one smell I can't stand!
I quickly walk down the short hallway and grab my bag off the gray counter top. I make sure I have my phone then head out the door to the city full of people and noise taxis. Also known as the city that never sleeps. New York.
Walking down the sidewalk passing people left and right of me.
My eyes catching the sight of busy people with gray coats and ties. Some teenage girls wearing bright pink and 6 inch heels with little bags that could carry just about... nothing.
Crossing the road with yellow taxis patiently waiting for the light to turn green, and for people to hurry up and cross.
Gray skies and not one sight of blue. Making my way to the little shop, a green sign that reads Starbucks.
Reaching the door and pulling it open to have the smell of coffee brush along me, warmth from the fireplace sending a chill up my spin. I see people at little brown tables or sitting on a fancy brown chair across from the fire.
" Hey Lil " I look over to the back of the shop, behind the counter, wearing a black shirt and pants with a green hat.
" Hey Jess " I say with a smile across my face. I walk to the back taking off my coat and placing it on a chair.
I turn back towards Jess. Her blonde hair was in a cute bun with a brad, her makeup done perfectly.
" Your not going to believe who came in today! " Her voice excited.
" Let me guess, a 6 foot guy, blue eyes that make you fall over and a gorgeous smile that melts your heart ? " I say sarcastically.
" Yes!!! Oh my god, Lil you have no idea how hard I tried today, it's like no matter what I do.. he just won't ask me out? "
I lean against the counter so we could talk. Jessica has been crushing on a guy who has been coming in the shop for about a month now.
I never saw a ring or have seen another girl with him. We both have concluded that he is single. His name is Mark, drop down gorgeous. Jessica is flirting and doing everything she can to make him notice her.
Like this one time she actual had a conversation with him and told him everything, she even unbuttoned her shirt just to make him notice her even more that hour. But it didn't work out the way she wanted it too.
" Maybe you should ask him out? " I say grinning.

I watch Jessica's eyes go wide and then her eyes go cross eyed.
" Lily!? If I ask him out? That would just be wrong? It would be like I'm the guy then? " She shakes her head and makes a disguised face. " No " she says

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