Waking Up To A Beautiful Site

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Chapter 12 (Ash's POV)

I wake up too white walls all around me. Then I see a figure walking close too me. "Austin?" I say in a low voice. "No love it's mom." My mother says. I finally see her and just smile. "Where's Austin?" I ask. Then I see Alex walk in the room holding something. "He had too do a show in a different town but he'll be back in two weeks." My mother says. I just feel my heart break but I knew it would be this way. "Does he know. About the babies? Wait where are my babies!" I scream while freaking out. "It's okay love there right here." Alex says while pulling there beds close too me. I look and see these two beautiful baby girls just sleeping. I am starting too cry and I just can't stop smiling. "What are you gonna name them baby girl." My mother asks. "I I don't know.... I wanted to do it with Austin..." I say starting too cry knowing it hurt me so bad he wasn't here with me at this amazing moment. "What if I called him asking if he ever had the chance what would he name his kids?" Alex says. "What if he asks why?" I say. "Ah you know me Ash I can pull it off I have for many months. I got this!" Alex says while smiling. I just smile and shake my head okay. "Can I hold them?" I ask. "Yes of course Hun." My mother say while walking over and handing me the first baby then the next one. I just start crying and Alex smiles and takes a picture. *Ring, Ring* Alex's phone goes off. "It's him I'am gonna take his outside." Alex says while walking out the door. "You know I thought I would hate seeing my baby holding her own babies but it's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life." My mother says while starting too cry. "I'll be the best mom in the world right there next too you." I tell her. She shakes her head and just smiles.

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