Not a chance

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Ethan's POV

I woke up with a sticky note stuck to my forehead.

"Went to work. Sorry about your hand, you should put some ice on it. -Haley."

I was confused for a second but then realized that parts of my left hand were blue from the grip she had on it last night at the haunted house.

I walked out of Haley's room only to see Ally and Grayson in the living room watching tv.

"Bro how long have you been here?" Grayson asked.

"The whole time." I said.

"In Haley's room?" Ally asked.

"Yeah why?" I asked.

"Because that's my best friend and I'd rather her not get hurt by you." She said.

"Not that it's any of your business, but I slept on an air mattress." I said, opening their freezer trying to find an ice pack.

"In her room?" Ally asked.

"Yes. On the floor, in her room." I said, settling for a bag of frozen strawberries for my hand. "Look, is there a problem I'm not picking up on here?"

"No, I just don't think it's a good idea for you to be sleeping in her room." Ally said, turning to look back at her phone.

"You clearly have no problem with Grayson sleeping in your room, I don't see the difference."

"The difference is, Grayson and I are dating. You and Haley are just acquaintances."

"Not that it matters, we're more than just acquaintances and I really don't see what the problem is." I said, leaning against the counter. "It's not like we were half naked sharing a tiny little bed. She was in her bed and I was on the floor, again, not that it's any of your business."

"Okay both of you calm down." Grayson interjected. "We get it you both love Haley, can you just stop arguing?"

"I never said love." I said, butting in.

"Whatever dude," Grayson said rolling his eyes.

"I'd suggest we go see her at work, but since we are trying to hide you, I don't think it would be a good idea." Ally said, changing the subject. "What's up with your hand?"

"We went to a haunted house." I said, looking between her and my hand. "Every time something jumped out at us, her grip on my hand got tighter."

"Haley held your hand? Like held hands...with you? Like this?" She asked grabbing Grayson's hand.

"Yeah?" I said, confused. "Why is that so shocking to you?"

"Because she tends to shy away from any human touch unless it comes from the tiny ones, like her baby sister."

"Like I said, more than acquaintances." I said, grabbing the bag of strawberries and walking back into Haley's room, closing the door with my foot.

"Those are my strawberries by the way." Ally yelled through the door.


Haley's POV

I really just want to talk to the head of even planning. Who in there right mind would schedule an open house and Alumni weekend on the day day? I've seen more people in the dining hall today, than I've seen in here ever. It makes no sense.

However, I am thankful that I get off 5 minutes and can go home, shower, and go to sleep. Yes I'm fully aware that it's the middle of the day, but I don't care. That's how bad work was today.

I opened the front door and sighed, home sweet home. Just ten minutes from now I can be sound asleep in my bed, fresh out of the shower.

The house seemed empty, which means that Ally and Grayson probably went out somewhere, and hopefully they took Ethan with them but that was probably doubtful.

I peaked around the corner and he was sitting on the recliner in my room, half asleep watching something on the tv. I have to admit, my face made a tiny little twinge of a smile because it was adorable, but I'm not going to allow him to win like that. So like, don't ever tell him that I said that.

I walked in quietly and tried to get my stuff to take a shower with without waking him up. Just as I was about to walk back out the door to go upstairs, he noticed I was there.

"Hey. How was work?" He said, still very much not awake.

"Work was work. Just finish your nap." I said. He nodded and balled himself up even further on the recliner, instantly falling back to sleep.

After finishing my shower, I didn't even bother to do anything to my hair besides brushing it and throwing it up in a scrunchy.

I walked back downstairs and now Ethan was completely awake.

"I'm probably just going to take a nap, work was tough. Feel free to cook whatever if you get hungry, just try not to burn the place down please."

"Wait a second." He said, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "Here it is."

"Here What is?"

"September 23, 2019. I just want to cuddle on the couch with Ethan (like I did in my nap induced dream) and watch scary movies, at lease once in my life." He said grinning like a goof. "Well I'm here now, so here's your chance."

"Seriously, you have got to stop going through my twitter. It's hella stalkerish." I said, trying to take his phone from him. However, he just put his hand in the air and I could no longer attempt to reach it.

"Ha." He chuckled. "So what do you say? You have a pretty extensive movie collection that we can choose from."

"If I say yes, will you shut up so I can sleep?" I asked.


"Fine." I said sitting down in the recliner. It's one of those XL, almost could be a couch, recliners so there was plenty of room for two people to sit comfortable. "Pick a movie."

I grabbed an extra blanket from the basket beside the chair and pulled it over me, turning my body towards the back of the chair with my feet tucked under me so that I could rest my head on the back of the couch.

Ethan popped in a movie and came over to sit beside me, taking some of the blanket for himself.

"How's your hand?" I asked, already starting to fall asleep.

"It's better now. You have a really strong grip, you know."

"I was a base in cheer for 8 years." I said. I was uncomfortable the way I was sitting so I stretched out, putting my legs over Ethan's and shifting down just a little.

"Admit it." He said, as I was almost asleep.

"Admit what?" I asked, slowly drifting off.

"That you're starting to like me."

"Not a chance."

Hi...what did you guys think of the twins new video???

Love y'all 💗💗💗

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