Someones popular

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"Haley, you man the spinner." Grayson said, grabbing the twister box off the shelf. Lisa suggested that we have a family game night and none of us really had anything better to do, so now we are getting ready to create a human pretzel in the living room.

"What? Why me?" I asked, grabbing it from him anyway.

"Well for one, you're hella clumsy." Ethan said, grabbing the other end of the mat to help Grayson straighten it out. "And two, you like to get stabbed at work and get stitches so you can't play."

"No one likes to get stabbed." I said, flicking the spinner as a test round.

"Oh I'm sure there's a few people who probably do." Cam said, stretching her arms and legs out.

"Alright, alright. Enough chit chat, let's play." Lisa said, clapping her hands together. "I'm first."

"Alright," I said spinning the spinner. "Left foot blue."

"Cam, right hand yellow."
"E, right foot green."
"Grayson, left hand red."
"Lisa, right foot green."

"What? I'm going to start slipping." She said, moving her foot beside Ethan's.


"Cam, left hand red." It was about 20 minutes into the game, and while it was very entertaining to watch them get tangled up with each other, it was very boring.

"I don't have the flexibility for this." She said, stretching towards the red.

"E, right hand blue." I sighed, resting my head up against the back of the couch.

"What? No. My face is going to be in Grayson's ass."

"Mhm. Tragic." I said, spinning it again for Grayson. "Left hand yellow."

"Are you bored?" Ethan asked, probably noticing the disinterest in my voice.

"Yeah, kinda. But the idea of Grayson falling on his face is keeping me going." I said, spinning it again for Lisa.

"Glad I could be of service." He mumbled from between Lisa and Cam.

"Honey, we can stop and play something you want." Lisa said.

"It's really fine." I said. "Left foot green by the way."

She moved and almost knocked grayson over.

"Hey watch it." He said. "I've got to win now to prove a point."

"Cam, right hand green."

"Alright, watch out Grayson, I'm coming through." She said, trying to reach for the green without moving from the red which was on the other side of the board. "How is this supposed to work, I'm too short?"

"Ha!" Ethan and Grayson yelled at the same time.

"Oh yeah, let's see how funny it is when you fall." Cameron said, finally reaching the red after stretching a little further. Her doing this caused her to bump into Grayson, and he lost his balance.

"Finally!" Ethan yelled, standing up straight. "I thought that game was going to go on forever."

"Yeah yeah." Grayson said picking himself up off the floor. "I'm going to win the next game. What are we playing?"

"I think Haley should pick. Since she didn't get to play this one." Lisa said, stretching her arms behind her back.

"Oh um..." I said looking over the pile of games. "Monopoly?"

"Monopoly works." Cam said, grabbing the box. "Fair warning, these guys don't play fair." She said pointing between Lisa and Ethan.

"Are you implying that we team up every time?" Lisa asked.

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