Where Are Those Supposed to Go...

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Haley's POV

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Haley's POV

"Umm, what role did I play in the third grade in community theatre?" I asked. Currently I was winning and I could temporarily forget that we were on an airplane.

"Oh you're mom has picture of it up in you living room." He says smacking his head. "What's the name of the children looking people in the wizard of oz?"

I laughed as I watched him try to struggle to remember the name.

"Oh, you were the munchkin mayor." He said like he knew the answer the whole time. I sighed. "Haha one more point for me."

"Yeah yeah. Next question."

"How many times have I pranked Grayson on our channel?"

"Oh I don't fucking know. Seven?" I said guessing.

"It's 8 actually." He smirked. "Point for me."

"How the fuck was I supposed to know that?" I sighed, leaning my head against the back of the seat. "I've got to think of a good one now because I don't want to lose."

"Take your time, but the longer you take the less time you have to beat me."


A tie. A fucking tie. But I mean I guess it's a good thing that we know that much about each other, I just don't like fucking losing.

"Why the long face Haley?" Grayson asked once we walked up to him after grabbing our bags. We still had to wait thirty minutes for Lisa and Cam before we could leave.

"I lost the fucking game." I mumbled, sitting at the table at the cafe we were waiting in.

"What game? Like the game?" He asked. "Shit, I just lost too."

"No. Not that game but now I've lost that one too."

"To be fair, we tied. You didn't lose." Ethan said, sliding into the booth beside me.

"What does that even mean?" I asked, laying my head on the table.

"It means we both won." I turned my head and looked at him, raising my eyebrow.

"I don't even want to know." Grayson said shaking his head.

"You really don't." We said at the same time.


"And...another pair of grey sweatpants." Ethan said, opening up the last box that I had for him. I smirked and nodded.

"What? They were having a sale." I said taking a sip of my coffee.

"Mhm. Sure they were." He said, sitting them on top of the other stuff that I got him.

"Alright, my turn." Cam said, standing up and grabbing a bag, handing it to me.

"Cam, you really didn't have to get-"

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