Southern families are weird

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Ethan's POV

I've been nervous since I woke up this morning. I forgot that when I decided to surprise Haley in Virginia so I could fly back with her tonight, that it meant that I would be spending Christmas Eve with her family.

"E, you need to relax." She said, pausing from fixing my collar.

"I am relaxed." I lied.

"Really? Because your heart rate says differently."

"I just feel like they're going to judge me for coming to a family event because we haven't really been together all that long and-" I was interrupted by Haley kissing me, which really is an effective way to shut someone up.

"Ethan. Shut up, it's going to be fine." She said pulling away and smiling. "My grandpa may threaten you with a gun though."

"What?" I asked, my eyes wide.

"I'm kidding." She said laughing and turning around to her desk to turn the light off.

"I really don't like that you're wearing heels. I liked being taller than you." I said grabbing her hand as we walked out of her room.

"You're still taller than me."

"Yeah. But not as much." I shrugged.

"Aww boohoo, da wittle baby can't wook down my dress anymore." She said, turning around and mocking me.

"I- that's not why." I said scratching my neck with my free hand.

"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that."

Because it was cold and there was still snow on the ground, we all piled into Haley's dad's truck and drove down the road to her grandpas house. She tapped me on the shoulder and I turned to look at her.

"Just a fair warning, my grandpa's wife is significantly younger than him...just try not to stare too long."

"Why would I st-"

" me. You're going to want to stare, just don't." She said, taking a picture of her and Journi.

Well all got out of the truck and I grabbed Haley's hand as we walked towards the house.

"Your hand is sweaty. I told you there's nothing to be nervous about." She said, resting her head against my arm as we walked.

"You said your grandad was going to shoot me."

"I told you I was kidding." She said laughing. "He doesn't even keep guns in the house."

"I'm having a hard time believing you right now."

"Be nervous then." She chuckled. "Even though you have nothing to worry about."

I sighed and we walked through the front door. She took off her coat and hung it on the rack beside the door and I did the same with mine.

"You look so awkward. Was I this awkward meeting your mom?"

"No. But you were in pain so you couldn't really be anything else but in pain."

"You're right. But it's cute how awkward you are." She said kissing my cheek. "Come on."

She grabbed my hand and dragged me down the hallway where all the noise was coming from.

"Just pretend like you belong and most people won't even notice you. They're probably two or three beers in already."

"Southern families are weird." I mumbled.

"Oh just you wait, it gets weirder."


She was right, it got weirder. Her grandpa and his new wife, who is give or take forty years younger than him, are apparently expecting a baby sometime in the near future. I get why she told me I was going to want to stare but probably shouldn't. Other than that, Christmas dinner with her family went pretty smoothly and I felt kind of dumb for being nervous in the first place.

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