chapter 4

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As harry sat on the slytherin table a lot of people curiously stared at him,some more discreet some less harry chuckled

"you can stop staring now..yes a potter's in slytherin...yes the 'harry potter' is in slytherin...and so im not an animal for you to stare at! " harry smiled blindingly and started conversing with draco... the people who were looking at him saw he wasn't looking at them anymore and started whispering amongst themselves.

After a while the dishes disappeared and a slytherin perfect came in front off the first years "follow me, make sure you are not left behind as I will not waste my time looking for you because of a stupid mistake that you made because you were too busy gawking at things ."

As they walked the perfect explained the basic rules of slytherin "you may have heard of the first rule that we snakes stick together,if you have then good at least you knew where you were going and if you haven't, you just did and it will be good if you remember that.. now the second rule is too never and I mean ever go against the king as he could very well decide how you will live for the rest of your stay in hogwarts now if you do not know what the slytherin court means, its functions and positions well then learn it there's a library for a reason.

Now the third rule is if you get caught doing something , you shouldn't by some chance then you should be prepared and hope the person who caught you was proffeser snape the head of our house or just run outta there by covering your face mind you, not in a gryffindor manner making a ruckus and still think that no one heard you escape like an assassin quiet and fast and at least tell someone your going out if you are going to do something like that as we can provide backup to you then if you are late because of unprecedented circumstances. fourth rule that you should know is that you can challenge the king or the other positions anytime they are not limited to third year or above, but hardly anyone does so because kings dont just become kings they do amazing and difficult things to achieve that also remember in this house power is everything so even if your blood is tainted if you are magically powerful you will be respected if not.....your a waste of space"

" now as you can see we are in front of our destination do you see this portrait ?..... good now you push it sideways and a lever shall appear then you push it downwards and a door will be revealed then you shall say the password the current password is pureblood btw

A list will be given to you tomorrow as the perfect said that he proceeded to demonstrate by taking the lever and pushing it downwards slightly then when the bricks turned into a door,he said "pure blood" in a quiet but clear voice and the door opened.

"ah yes I forgot to tell you the girls dorm is at the top left and boys the top right on the second floor oh and please do not shout the password as the other houses do not like this house maybe except ravenclaw and will try to get in here and create a ruckus now goodnight please be ready at 7.we are doing a whole run through of the main parts of the castle as slitherin's are usually not late because the teachers are biased towards other houses ,this is optional another thing is that we also dont ask questions from one another please respest that this is so you can keep your secrets without anyone forcing you to tell the person the secret,goodbye and I hope you settle well."

As the perfect disappeared the hatchlings made their way up the stairs too tired to talk,the girls and boys separated when their room came into view harry was also pleasantly surprised that they got their own room albeit small but their own.

Harry's body was too tired so he walked into his room with draco whispering amongst themselves until harry couldn't handle it anymore and fell asleep

Word count: 725

Edit: I like the prefect lol

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