chapter 5

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The next day when harry went outside the slytherin house he was seen with malfoy and people 'rudely pointed fingers or talked behind his back or low key stalked him '.

That would have happened if this was his real first year, no after having gone through his fair share of fame that clearly did not work out that great at all. So after that experience he knew what to do without making a fool out of himself. Its not that the attention made him uncomfortable or anything but it was because dumbles expected that from him and it was to early to ruin his plans

"Are you sure this is the right way har.. oh I guess its right after all"

"Hey !! I told you to believe in me Draco"

"Ok.Harry. tell anyone that you would go to the other side of the castle in 7 minutes and come back, they would say its impossible "

" Well it just happened so now your my proo-"

Harry's words were cut off by the youngest Weasley "oh look if it isn't the fallen hero"

Harry smiled " listen.....Ron was it? Anyway even if i was supposedly the 'hero' it would not be my responsibility to even participate in the bloody war,there are adults who can do it and not push a young boy in the war to fight and who even are you to tell me what i am and even if i was what you were saying I would be unique" said harry with a hair flip in the back of his mind.

"! " ron stuttered his embarrassment coming off in waves.

As harry was going explain it to ron in more simpler words . Professor snape walked,no glided in the potions lab and in a 'demanding them to listen or detention will be coming' voice he gave them the same speech he had given earlier in harry's past life (tho harry didn't remember half of it he was old and that was the end of it).

As snape took the role call,he paused at harry's name but refrained from saying or doing anything to him otherwise. That potions class was probably the best,except for maybe that day when snape got potion all over himself because Harry "accidentally" fell and spilled the potion on him when he to show it to snape , harry didn't know what the potion was....but judging from the huge nasty boils that appeared on snape's skin it was not by any degree something kid friendly.

He had lost a ton of house points but it was worth it in his and the twins opinion, they had cackled and raved on and on about how they had wanted to see snapes face at that moment . (Those were the good times before they had drifted apart)

Harry didn't like snape at all and even tho he came back in time by some messed up ethereal being and was supposed to correct his past mistakes or something. you cant just ya know like someone who's made your life literal hell solely because the woman he liked didn't like him back and her kid's appearance was also the exact copy of his father who coincidently also was his school bully and harry having the same appearance as him with Lilly's eyes also reminded him of how she had risked her life for a useless baby and basically left him for harry's father.

Anyways the period ended without accidents if you exclude the neveille and semus incident that had gotten him in major trouble in his past life, That still didn't make sense to him.

The class ended and everyone hurried to reach the next class in time that happened to be transfiguration...As harry and draco reached the classroom with draco talking about how good the potions class was and how snape was his godfather and blah,blah, blah with Harry quickly learning on how to tune draco out as they went,they encountered a.... cat that was watching them as they peered into the classroom although harry already knew that the cat was McGonagall he just feigned being oblivious and gasped at the right time when the cat changed back to a woman 'ugh its gonna be such a long dayyyy '

As McGonagall told them to turn a matchstick into a needle which harry quickly did getting 10 house points as he did so he started planning on how to revive his tom's body cause no way in hell was he gonna ignore the problem that his mate thought him as a menace and it also proved how fucked up he was to not know who was his mate ( which harry had plenty of ideas about how to fix )

"HARRY get up McGonagall's staring at you the period just ended...its defense against the dark its taught by quirrel the stuttering menace I should ask father to sack him,hes so annoying too have you seen how he kept looking at you? Ugh that gu- harry whats wrong?"

As harry kept listening the more his expression became darker and the more his aura became gloomier ' how the fucking dare you talk like that you insolent brat just wait till I crush your magical cor-' as harry tried to suppress his rage and urge to scream all that into draco's face against his better judgment so instead he opted with just shaking his head and straight up telling draco not to talk about quirrel that way.

Harry had also found out some passageways that were similar to the chamber of secrets that could allow him to access the whole school, he also remembered that he had the "challenge with the king" contest or meeting urm whatever you called it.

To harry it was just a position of corrupt and be feared of

Word count:996

Edit: sorry for luna and the twins guys but u will see why

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