chapter 16

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Parseltongue-§ tom isssss cute §
Speech-"wtf harry"
Thoughts -'what its true tho why he getting mad at me '
Expressions - *pouts *

Harry's inheritance was at night but he needed his mate to be there as he was a dominant his instincts would go haywire and would probably just fuck tom in his sleep if he went away. Harry wondered how tom had passed his time in his inheritance then he stilled.....did someone fuck him? Harry turned his head towards tom so fast he almost had a whiplash.



"When your inheritance came did anything happen?"

Tom rolled his eyes of course that was what harry was thinking of,instead of focusing on how to do his inheritance successfully without dying. "No as you weren't born yet in that time i got a free pass and just got the powers, so dont worry"

         ○time skip to inheritance ●

Tom against his better judgment had fallen asleep in harry's arms although it was cozy he was missing the inheritance of one potter harry

The clock struck 12 and ........nothing happened harry let the air he was holding out and then it hit him his bones cracking becoming sturdier and then it changed he felt something growing out of his back and oowwwww it hurt wtf he was gonna die, ahhhhhh.

Tom woke up cursing and pushed a pain relief potion towards him but couldnt when he was pushed out of the room by harry's magic "harry open the door what the fuck are you doing" as tom tried opening the door from the outside  harry was experiencing death from the inside of the room

Harry's magic after throwing tom out was literally devouring anything that was inside, the shadows danced and his breathing intensified and his eyes darkened slowly closing leaving his magic rampant.

Tom finally opened the door well made it disappear before he was wrapped in cocoons and cocoons of darkness , as he tried to wiggle out of it the magic tugged more sharply towards a slump he hadnt seen before and released its hold on him a little but otherwise wrapped itself around him like trying to show of its power.

Tom turned towards harry summoning potions and making harry drink it by a few spells and fell asleep on top of harry exhausted as he had made an attack on azkaban just that day. He looked up a little to try to look at harry but the magic that was around him made him more sleepy and struggled not to fall asleep ,as he just knew what was gonna happen if he fell asleep but fainted by magical exhaustion.

Harry woke up and the one thing he felt was power and his sub on top of him cuddling him with all his feeble strength. Harry cooed at his sub as he felt tom wake up,tom widened his eyes as he looked at him and harry growled flipping them over how dare tom look so good. He wondered did he look at others with this gaze? His eyes turned into slits making his wings come out and wrapping tom underneath it "so preety...mine "

he nipped his subs ear, his creature nodding in approval at how cute and eatable his tom looked when he was surprised by him. Harry cupped toms ass  and squeezed it making a growl erupting from his throat. Tom looked dazed as he stared at harry making harry and his creature preen "ha-harry? "

harry made a growl of approval and laid on top of tom his cock placed in between tom's clothed ass as harry fondled it he groaned at how good it felt and did it again he thrusted on tom's ass but frowned when he felt the cloth he put his hands on tom's ass and tore the fabric.

Mine, Mine, Mine, Mine, Mine, Mine, thoughts like these surged through harry's head, he felt his body moving in the tight hole going from slow to fast not realising that his magic was whipping around in the room destroying everything except his mate ,his sub, his love, his everything "tom i love you""tom never gonna leave you " hushed frenzied whispers were spoken like a dam breaking free with tom a shuddering moaning mess beneath him.

Harry shuddered as he released inside tom and sucked his neck leaving hickey's trailing behind tom arched into him "harry" harry snuggled into him still buried inside "hmm " "harry your a demon"

"It appears so but then if i am a demon what are you?" Harry smiled at tom , eyes glowing red.

Tom murmured unintelligible words "what tom i didn't hear you" tom shook his head from harry's chest. "Please tom, its only once you know " harry licked tom's nape " please...for me?"

harry sucked on the side of Tom's neck "please?" And tom gave way "...... I am an angel are you going to tease me too?"

Harry chuckled lowly " is that why your submissive only to me? "

Tom looked at him from the corner of his eyes " u love me?"

"Aww sweet dont worry I love you "

Tom had lost himself in harry's hold after that.

He had lost himself to the feeling of sharing deep and intimate kiss with someone whom he cherished as much as harry ,his mate had brought to him.

He had lost himself to the possessive way in which harry held Tom to himself, as though afraid that Tom would run away if harry ever let go, if he did not cage Tom in his arms as firmly as he did. Tom had lost himself to the pleasure coursing through his body with each roll of harry's  hips, pleasure that he had never felt before, the few furtive times when he had dared to gratify himself a mere grain of sand on an endless beach in comparison to the new heights that harry was bringing Tom to.

A steady string of muffled moans and breathless whines were resounding from his throat the more harry thrust his tongue inside of Tom's  mouth, matching the slow, torturous rhythm to that of his hips.

"Harry," Tom whined breathlessly as he broke the kiss, his mind hazy from the lack of air, as he tilted his head back against the wall to take in a deep breath only for his inhale to hitch inside of his throat, as harry pulled his hand away from toms hips to grip his face with those tender hands Tom's entire world was held by.

A satisfied hum was harry's only response as he tightened his hold of Tom's hips into his strong hands.As harry bent his head down with, tom whimpered loudly as harry latched his lips onto one of the rosy buds of Tom's nipples and sucked.

Heartbeat gone even more erratic, tom's vision was swimming as he tried to hold back his moans but failed spectacularly, his voice resounding around them with a low echo as more pleasure coursed through his veins, the added friction to his embarrassingly hard cock and harry's tongue on his sensitive chest making it that much harder for tom to keep quiet. He did not know if he wanted to pull away from harry or push closer, his shoulders drawing inwards as he clung onto the other.

Tom had sighed dejectedly when harry released the now puffy, reddened bud and began kissing a trail over Tom's chest, leaving a map of tiny purple marks in his wake all the way up to the underside of Tom's  ear. Harry had stopped for a few moments there, nuzzling the tip of his nose behind tom's ear, before tilting back and suckling tom's earlobe between his lips, a violent shudder coursing through tom's spine as he seized up all over. "More," tom pleaded desperately, not knowing exactly what he was asking for but not caring about it either, for he needed it and he needed it now.

Harry had stopped at tom's  request, his body as hard as stone as he stood completely motionless like that, face burrowed against the side of Tom's  head and breathing harshly over his damp skin, causing goosebumps to pebble all over. Huffing in annoyance at harry's lack of response, tom had tried to roll his hips against harry's to get things started again but found that he couldn't, the way that he was pinned between the solid wall and harry's unrelenting, armoured figure making it impossible for tom to even attempt it, let alone make it happen.

"Harry, please, please," tom sobbed out pitifully, turning his head to the side to kiss at harry's cheeks imploringly as tears gathered at the corners of his eyes. "I need you," He said as he took hold of harry's head and tilted it so he could look him in the eye, surprised to find no resistance from the other as he did so.

"You already have me" and with a smile harry kissed tom


Hello so as I am rewriting this oof this is so different ....yay

Word count :1527

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