chapter 17

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Harry wondered what was it that made you.....human
Was it your appearance , behavior, voice...he never really understood.

People crowded around him eager to talk to him their saviour , their hero

Why did people act like they are not hypocrites , they would look at a chick and tell their friends how cute they were and should not be killed , while at home or restaurants they are eating them without a second thought.

He looked at people around him and saw them laughing at a kid on the Internet but paid donations for bullied kids.

Their judgmental stare that peirced anyone that was different. The smiling masks on their face that would look at you until you smile back.

Although he never understood it clearly until that day ,when he was going to the hospital because of his injured leg caused from his uncle and saw a dying cat that people were ignoring he took it to the hospital. The next day rumours surrounded him "look that boy...he killed a cat because he was late"

"Seriously couldn't he have walked faster if he saw a dying cat jeez"

Through this harry sat in the last seat hearing each and every whisper which they thought was was dumb

Afraid of the judgemental stares he hid himself so deeply that he forgot......who he was. The persona consumed him and made him forget.

How disgusting everything was

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