Chapter 2

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*Ellie POV*
Yesterday we all had the day off and I spent that time with McGee and Delilah and at night I babysat the twins so that they could go on a date. Now I'm sitting at my desk scrolling through my phone.
"Hey Ellie" Jack says as she walks through
"Hey Jack what's up" I ask
"Nothing. Just know I'm here if you ever want to talk" she says
"Yeah you know I'm okay. But thanks" I say
"Let's go grab your gear" Gibbs says walking in
"Yeah" I say
"Not you Bishop. You stay here" he says
"What why" I ask
"Because I told you to." He says
Him and the other two head to the elevator and I slouch down in my seat.
"Come on Ellie lets go up to my office" Jack says
I groan but follow because I have nothing better to do. We go up to her office and sit on the couch.
"How was Monday? I heard you came into work in the afternoon and then went to Gibbs' house" she says
"Yeah. I did. Monday was okay. I'm just not over him yet I guess" I say
"It's okay to still mourn his death. I mean Gibbs still thinks about his wives and his daughter and they died a while ago" she says
"Yeah I guess. I also asked him how I would know it was time to start dating again" I say
"Is this about Nick" she asks
"What? No. This is just a general question. I don't like Nick" I say
"Yeah well I'm pretty sure everyone else thinks differently. Well besides Nick and Gibbs" she says
"What do you mean those two" I ask
"Well I know Nick likes you but he won't ask you out because you have walls up and Gibbs probably doesn't know it and won't realize it because of rule 12" she says
"Okay first of all I know rule 12. Second of all, I don't like Nick." I say
"Yeah okay. So you and Qasim. You sure you're okay about that" she asks
"Yes Jack. I promise. Now I need to go" I say
I walk out of her office and go to my desk waiting for the others to return.
*Nick POV*
As the elevator door closes I see Ellie and Jack go upstairs.
"Yo Gibbs why isn't Bishop coming with us" I ask
"Because she needs to stay here" he says
"Yeah but why" I ask
"Why does it matter Torres" he asks
"No reason. Sorry I asked boss" I say
We go to The car and head to the crime scene. Which is in a park. I grab the camera and start taking pictures. After getting done at the scene we go back to the squad room. We get there and Ellie is sitting at her desk. Gibbs goes over to her so I grab what I need and head to the elevator. I then take it down to Casey's lab. I get down there and walk over to Casey.
"Here Casey. Here's the evidence from the scene" I say
"Thanks Nick. Why do you have all your stuff with you" she asks
"Do you mind if I work in here" I ask
"No. But aren't you supposed to be in the squad room" she asks
"Yeah but I wanted a break from the orange walls you know" I say
"No I don't. I don't have to look at orange walls" she says
"See. You are so lucky" I say
"Yeah okay. You can go work in the other room" she says
"Great thanks. Oh and Gibbs asks where I am or if anyone does I'm not here" I say
"Nick. You know I can't lie. You know I have a problem with lying" she says
"Ok ok fine" I say
I go into the other room and start looking through the stuff for the case. About two hours later there's a knock on the glass window. I look and see Jack. She comes in and sits in a chair next to me.
"Can I help you Agent sloane" I ask
"I don't know. How about if I help you Agent Torres" she says
"What is it Jack, I'm trying to work?" I say
"Clearly. But something is wrong" she says
"How would you know that" I ask
"It's part of my job. I read people. Plus you've been gone for two hours so Gibbs sent me to talk to you or to put some sense into you. He said you were off all morning" she says
"I was just curious" I answer
"Curiosity killed the cat Torres" she says
"I'm not a cat" I say
"Yeah whatever. Let's go." She says
"Where are we going" I ask
"My office or we could go somewhere else if you'd like" she says
"To get lunch" I say
"Fine by me. Let's go" she responds
We go outside and to her car. We get in and she drives to the diner. We go to the teams usual booth and sit down.
"So why were you avoiding Gibbs" she asks
"Um" I start
"You like Bishop don't you" she asks
"It's that obvious" I ask
"To me? Yes. To Ducky? Yes. McGee maybe. Casey? Yes. I don't think Palmer knows. Gibbs? Honestly if he does I can't tell. Vance doesn't know though" she says
"I really like Bishop Jack. I've liked her since I started and then when we went undercover as boyfriend and girlfriend I liked her even more. But she's been hurt so much that I know she won't let me in" I say
"Well yes, she has been hurt a lot but that doesn't mean she will never love again." She says
"I want to tell her I like her Jack. I want to tell her now but I don't want her to reject me, shut down, and then things at work be awkward" I say
"That's why there's rule 12 in place" Jack says
"Yeah but it worked for McGee and Abby. Things weren't awkward for them" I say
"No. McGee just became a very protective brother of her. He had trouble being okay with her dating again" she says
"Yeah" I say
"You could always talk to her brothers about it or ask them stuff" she says
"Yeah I don't know" I say
"Why not" she asks
"Last time we talked I told them she's not my type" I say
"They might not remember it" she says
"Please Jack. I remembered it" I say
"Yeah. You're right. I guess you aren't wanting to date Bishop as much as you say you do." She says
"Ugh. No I. Ugh" I mumble
"Nick, I'm texting you the address to her hometown and the numbers of her brothers" Jack says
"Wait, you have her brothers numbers" I ask
"Yeah. Bishop gave them to me" she says
"Oh ok" I say
We finish our food and pay then leave. We get in the vehicle and drive back to the navy yard. Jack goes to her office and I take the elevator back to Casey's lab. I grab my stuff and as I turn to leave my name is called. I turn back around and see Bishop.
"Nick where were you all day? It's now 3 in the afternoon" she says
"Oh hey Ellie. I was down here for some time and then I left to go to lunch and met up with someone." I say
"Is everything okay" she asks
"Everything's fine. Why" I ask
"You seem nervous and worried" she says
"Why would you say that" I ask
"The tone of your voice Torres" she says
"I'm fine Bishop. I promise" I say
I go to the elevator and before it closes Ellie hops on. She pushes the emergency stop button and looks at me.
"Talk" she says
"There's nothing to talk about" I say
"Who did you go to lunch with" she asks
"I want with sloane. She wanted to talk with me" I say
I push the button again and we get to the correct floor. I walk out and go to my desk. I set my stuff down and then go over to Gibbs.
"Uh Gibbs can I speak to you and the director please" I ask
"Yeah" he says
We go up the stairs and to Vance's office.
"Agent Torres and Gibbs what can I do for you" Vance asks
"I am asking for the rest of the week off" I say
"Why is that" Vance asks
"Sloane and I were talking and she suggests I take some days off for my mental health" I say
"Jack" Gibbs yells
She comes in and looks at the three of us.
"You called" she asks
"Agent Torres here is saying you suggested he take some days off for mental health" Vance asks
"Yes I did. He is having trouble focusing and that is no good in this line of work. A few days off and he'll be right as rain" Jack says
"Alright. Agent Torres. You have the rest of the week off. I expect you back in the office on Monday." Vance says
"Keep rule 3 in mind" Gibbs says
"Actually boss I can't do that. I'm gonna get a way for those days and relax. Don't try to ping my phone either. Please" I say
"Alright fine. Do what you got to do" Gibbs says
I thank them both and then follow Jack to her office.
"I booked you a ticket because I figured you would go." She says
"Thank you" I say
"You're welcome. I also already warned Bishop's mom and she said that she'd get her sons to be there by the time you get there. George is already there. John and robert should be there before you but they might not if they're flight gets delayed" Jack says
"Thanks Jack. So much" I say
"You're welcome. You better get going" she says
I leave her office and go to my car. I drive home, pack a bag, and then drive to the airport. Not much later my flight is called. I get on the plane and drift off after it takes off towards Oklahoma.

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