Tainted Town

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"Janie...?" my mom's voice came from upstairs. She was using the same tone she always used when something was very wrong. I nervously glanced her way from my seat in the kitchen.

"Yes?" I called uncertainly as she appeared walking down the stairs, slowly. A book was in her hand. No, my diary was in her hand. "Mom," I stood up so fast my chair fell backwards.

"Janie, what -" her voice cracked. I knew then what she read. Shit.

"That's mine! You can't -" I lunged to tear the book out of her hand but she held it high so that my eyes met hers instead.

Full of tears. Shit shit.

We stared at each other for what seemed like years. Every part of me began to shake as I waited for her to seal my fate. Just say it.

Her shock and hurt unexpectedly switched to anger. "Jane! Who do you think you are!" I crumbled. The tears spilling. "This is wrong! Sick! Unnatural. I won't have this in my house!"

"Pl-please don't..." I said through sobs. My older brother came running into the room as my mother continued throwing insults down to my begging figure. My brother picked me up off the ground and pulled me into into his arms.

"What the hell is going on?!" he shouted at her. I clung onto his arm to support myself and held my other hand tightly over my mouth to keep from whimpering.

"Your sister is a dyke!" she hissed the words with contempt.

Josh looked down at me in his arms, taken aback, but looked back at our mom with indignity. His face seethed with righteous anger. "Who gives a fuck if she's gay." he deadpanned.

The horror of that confirmation spread on her face was something I'd never forget. Her expression changed suddenly to unwavering composure, creating a daunting atmosphere. There was no love in her eyes. A cold wash of dread shot down my body. Shit shit shit.  

She pointed toward the door. "Get out." her voice shook in almost a whisper.

I flew out of Josh's arms with an uncontrolled burst of sobs and rushed out the door. I grabbed my bike on the side of the house and sped down the road, tears streaming. I heard Josh's pleas for me to stop turn into hollers at our mom. In a matter of seconds, only my own sobs were discernible.

~ ~ ~

I rode for hours. It felt like it at least. Every inch of my body ached from riding and crying. I had nothing left in me by the time I stopped at a park and fell into the grass. I wanted to cry more but there was nothing left. I just felt my racing heart, throbbing head, and parched throat.

Stupid. You're so stupid. How could you write it out...

I could only imagine the things she saw. The things she thought. But of course, I knew her thoughts, as she so graciously shared them with me.

My body shook again while it dawned on me that I lost my family. I lost my home. My safety. Their love.

I became numb. That's what happens when something hurts you down to your core.

I stopped shaking. Stopped thinking. Just laying still in the grass, watching the sky turn pink and purple. It was then I realized what park this was.

Of course this was my instinctual destination. The place I call my secret haven. I suddenly had the strength to move again, hopped on my bike, and head in a purposeful direction. Only minutes later I arrived at the ivy covered house I loved. Dropping the bike on the front step, I rushed to the door and knocked until it opened.

My love.

"Janie," her soft voice sang my name and I forgot the world in a second.

Without hesitation I pulled her into me and pressed our lips together. The same sparks I got every time appeared again. I could taste her, smell her, feel her, and remember this is what I want most.

I suddenly felt her pull away,  and her expression changed. Only then I could feel the tears streaming down my face. "Baby..." she whispered, holding my cheeks in her hands.

I couldn't even choke it out. I need your help.

~ ~ ~

I was in our favorite couch chair, wearing her large hoodie, blankets wrapped around me, and a cup of tea in my hand. I was still numb, but being in this house with her started to warm me inside. I could even feel the puffiness of my eyes going down.

She came over from the kitchen and sat on the couch to the side of my chair, her own mug in hand. We just stared at each other, thinking. I had cried it all out the moment I got here. Reprocessing everything out loud helped. And made it real.

It's been 5 hours since I ran from home. I knew by now my mom had to have told my dad. What would he think? What would my school think? The neighbors? I've tainted this town.

Oh my god.

I look up so quickly that she almost spilled her tea.

"Let's leave." I whispered, meeting her gaze with intent.


"Just, leave. Leave this town. Run away together. You're all I have and all I care about. They don't want people like us here."

She was silent. A few minutes went by. I was about to open my mouth again when she determinedly nodded. She jumped off the couch and ran upstairs. I followed seconds later and found her throwing things into a bag.

My heart sped up. This is happening.

In a matter of a few, rushed minutes packing, we climbed into her car and backed out the driveway. It was after midnight by the time we passed the decorative sign reading "Thank you for visiting Timeston!"

That was it. We were gone. But I wasn't sad or damaged. I wasn't thinking about my broken home or splintered childhood. We were driving towards our freedom. I looked over at her. She met my eyes.

I was at peace.


inspired by The Village - Wrabel

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