HELP diary!

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............February 24. 2017............

Hello, Diary. It's Callie again. I haven't written since early fall. I guess I haven't needed to. But recently, something weird has been happening. I don't really understand why, but suddenly I've been finding all these girls at my school really pretty. I don't think I'm jealous, except maybe of Paisley. I've always loved her hair. Also her skin is perfect. And her eyes.. Wow okay see that. My thoughts trail off like that when I look at these girls. That's what's weird. I've never cared about my appearance or others' appearances before. And what's worse, something I can't explain, is how when Avery will look at me from down the hall, I get all hot and nervous. I can feel my face getting red. It's probably because she's so popular. Everyone loves her and wants to be her. Yeah, that's it.

I'm just glad the weekend is here. I need time to figure this out before I go back. Wish me luck. I'll probably write more soon if there's anything else odd.


............March 11. 2017............

Good morning, Diary. I said I'd be back when there was something weird again. It's early. I'm sitting out on El's porch, we had a sleepover last night after school. I just needed to cool down. I can still feel my heart beating.

Oh boy, I actually don't even know how to talk about this. Okay, so we cuddled. We usually do, but something felt hugely different. And I could tell it wasn't just me. We even slept really close together on her bed. That was new. Usually I'd sleep on the extra mattress next to her bed. But she said it was buried in the garage - I had a little feeling it wasn't.

But what's even crazier, something I'm afraid to write down because it'll confirm its reality.. this morning I woke up accidentally snuggled close to El. I gazed up at her sleeping face only to stop at her tender, pink lips. I couldn't look away.

Oh god, I wanted to kiss my best friend.


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