What happened? (Dark Enchantress)

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(A/N): This chapter is going to be so goddamn weird


"The darkness will win this time, I know it!" Dark Enchantress growled at Millennial Tree. Millennial Tree seemed.... amused at the evil cookie. He chuckled softly.

"What is so funny?" She says, glaring at him. "Oh nothing Enchantress... just that everytime you say you will win, you fail... such amusing plans!" Millennial Tree continues to chuckle

Dark Enchantress growled softly. "Shut up, this time it will be different..." she hissed as she made her arm thingies go towards Millennial Tree

The fight carried on for hours without end, and the black horned cookie was getting tired. She was panting harshly as she felt pain in her legs. Millennial Tree looked amused again. "Don't say a word or I will-" She yelps as she tripped over a rock and landed in a lake. This was it, it was the end of the line for her. Soon she would crumble into pieces so she closed her eyes and accepted her fate











She woke up. Where was she? Why is she in a treehouse? Is she dead?

Dark Enchantress then thought it couldn't be, until she felt a huge headache on the back of her head. She groans softly as she rubbed her eyes and stretched. The cookie got up and looked around the room

The room was nice and organized. It had a few purple vines and magenta leaves on the branches. "Huh? That's pretty cool...!"

That was the moment she covered her mouth, not from what she said, but how her voice sounded. It sounded so high and... youthful! Dark Enchantress found a mirror and looked into it. She screamed at the sight

She was young again! Her body was the perfect hourglass figure, her horns were smooth as if they had been polished and her breast size was 'perfect'. The cookie looked like she was about 25! Dark Enchantress began to freak out as Millennial Tree ran up the stairs

Dark Enchantress hears his footsteps and ran to go hide her 'perfect' figure. Yet before she got into her hiding spot, she tripped and fell face flat. "What's wrong?" Millennial Tree asked

Now she lost it. "What's wrong? What's wrong?! Can't you see what's wrong! If I would have won that battle this wouldn't have happened! This is all y-your fault for d-doing this to me!" The young cookie began to sob, hard

A long moment has past before Millennial Tree hugged her. "Your fault...!" she cried quietly. He began to try and soothe her, rubbing her back in circles. "It's okay, just breathe..." He instructed

Dark Enchantress coughs before she actually calmed down. Then her red eyes and his amber eyes met. "Come on, I'll make you something to eat, how about that?" He asked. The evil cookie couldn't speak so she just nodded. Then they both went down the stairs together

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