Chapter 3

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While on the plane I tried reading and sleeping but I couldn't because of the baby that wouldn't stop crying and mother who wouldn't stop shushing her baby "May I ??" I asked stretching my hand out she nodded and handed me her baby I used my healer abilities on the baby ,she slowly calmed down and fell asleep the mother looked amazed "How did you do that?" I can't tell her what I really did coz I would be in trouble and given the place where am going and the history I have there it wouldn't be wise " Am a Nanny" was the poor excuse I came up with "Really" she asked and I mentally slapped myself ,she was a cool lady though we spoke she told me the baby was her recently deceased uncles baby explaining the crying.Finally the plane landed, me and Linda exchanged numbers and she left I stayed back coz I was waiting for my luggage,

"Sorry  for the delay " the attendant said with a plastered smile (so fake) ,since nobody here knows me I'll try not to coz trouble "uhh, okey thanks for making it dirty" I will TRY not to coz trouble "Oh come on its not exactly fresh and new"  she said "Neither are you" she gasped i winked and walked away pulling my suitcases behind me .Mila told me she would send someone to pick me up but right now am headed for the bathroom coz I gotta pee really bad .I gave a sigh of relief after while exiting the bathroom buzzz!buzz!   I put my phone on vibration I started walking one hand dragging my suitcase the other shuffling in my bag I was also looking at my shoes  yay multi tasking  I walked for about 3minutes like this until what felt like a brick wall appeared from nowhere and I bumped into it and also fell on my ass ,this hurt really bad

"Can't you look where you're going" did this guy just.... I got up and saw him more clearly and by god was he handsome like a demi god and I could feel Rose salivating but no amount of hotness can change our current situation " uhh, what did you say,you're the who appeared from nowhere so I should be mad right now"I said and it took all my might to stop myself from reaching and touching his perfect skin" hmm, what nonsense,do you see this?" the guy said pointing at my lipstick stain on his really expensive looking suit"uhh yeah its not like am blind" i said while dusting my pants BTW my ass really hurts he followed my actions I saw him smile through my eyelashes and Rose was smiling widely at this stranger "you made this stain so you have to fix it" the man said with a cold serious expression "and what about me huh..." He cut be off"what about you? "He said crossing his arms against his chest making his muscles flex i" I fell flat on my ass and it hurts yet you think I made a mistake, who are you even"I said unable to form proper insults because of his muscles which I could see through his jacket 

"You don't matter in this case " he said really rudely "Oh, please do forgive me I didn't realise I was standing in front of royalty" I said taking amock bow ,he scoffed and said"well  its great that you know you're place" did he just call me a peasant "what's that suppose to mean?" I asked a bit annoyed by this beautiful man " No woman with dignity would question a Man's judgement like that" oh so he's sexist am so done with him right "look man think what you want I actually don't give a flying horses ass about you sexist opinion"  I said and tried to walk away"what about my jacket??"the man asked from behind me ,I took out a smoothie I was drinking earlier and splashed it all over his chest "there, as good as new" I said and smiled and decided I've overstayed I left as fast as lighting "coward" was all rose said but can you blame me all those muscles would rip me apart ,I made my easy to the exit and saw a guy carrying a sign with my name on it I said hello and we left but 15minutes later we were stuck in the stupid Venerian traffic a car pulled next to me and it was the man from the airport , he was driving a red Ferrari and wearing shades I was still wondering when he changed his clothes in 15minutes,he turned and met my gaze he he smirked creepily this man is black but I swear he's glowing,  the green light  came and we parted ways I can't help but get weird vibes from the man.

After 30 minutes we reached the bridge and I saw the warehouse why didn't  Pappi have that place demolished ,am already regretting coming here I just hope nobody brings up these issues. Finally we reached Nessalia mannar ,Nessalia mannar is where the veneria chairperson  who happens to be my grandpa lives.A girl round my age helped me with my luggage I cant help but feel everybody was waiting for me of course Mila planned this.

The  moment I walked in I heard  Mila yell "SHE'S HERE" she is so dramatic ,right, but Rose didn't say anything she's been quite since we saw the warehouse  "Finally" pappi said as he made his way to me he stood right in front of me and stretched out his arms and I hugged him tightly "you're as beautiful as she was and even more" pappi whispered in my ear "what about me? " Mila said pouting making her dark brown dimples even deeper " I didn't know you needed an invitation " I said and we had a group hug,  it was cut off by someone clearing their throat "oh right ,Nessa you remember Arthur" Mila said and I smiled "Aww Arthur did you really miss me? ", I said in a girlly way making pappi Laugh" Aww you grew taller oh sorry my mistake "Arthur said knowing very well I hate talking about my height " ooh you work out now or sorry my mistake its just baby fat" i said "Hey watch it!" Arthur said" Would you two quit it !" Mila said  and Arthur and I apologized "oh right lets  get you unpacked, how long are you staying anyway?" Mila asked looking at my hair " 2 months " I replied "isn't that too excessive" said a familiar voice in the door way I looked in that direction and the man from the airport was standing there with two guards "My king welcome" Mila said she's so polite wait king huh what???? ,so is this some joke I pissed off the king great just fabulous.should never have come.

"******  ***"


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