Chapter 6

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I can't believe Ryan would have the nerve to come with Carolyn snow of all people on this planet. Carolyn and I don't have the greatest history ever,after everything had happened Carolyn and her father were at the fore front blaming me for Lily's death,she tried asking for my forgiveness but I knew she was too fake to be sorry for her actions. After what I said everybody was just looking at me like I grew three heads 

"What did you say??!" Carolyn asked as if she's got hearing problems "Whatever it is you heardand if you didn't you can either ask someone who heard or you can go get your ears checked." I said  giving my sweetest smile,am gonna break that pretentious smile "Nessa,I forgot how as loveable and sunny your personality is" She said giving me a sinister smile "Well,I try" I said grabbing a wine glass from a waiter and taking a sip "Nessa, you could try to be a little nicer to your old friends I mean we don't want People spreading rumors," Carolyn said joining her hands with Ryan,I don't know why I wish I was doing that.

"If everyone could take your seats" Lani said through the mic .Lani is a member of the Grand Goddess Council that oversees child care and she helped me after my 'Traumatic experience'.We all took our seats unfortunately we were all at the same table. I paid serious attention to my nails at this point"Didn't anyone ever tell you it's I'll mannered to ignore your relatives?" A voice said from but hind me ,I turned around and it was Kiara or kiki if you will. "Kiara, babe!!" I said standing up to give her a hug and we both giggled close to tears,I really missed her. "Beast you bitch,why haven't you been returning my calls, huh??!" Kiara said shaking me gently and insulting me,she always had a foul mouth

 "Kiara, hi??" Carolyn said trying to break our touching moment"My king"Kiara let go of me and took a bow acknowledging Ryan's presence  "Kiara,Nessa you could learn something from her" Ryan said pointing at Kiara "Well,you know what they say,can't teach an old dog new tricks " I said winking at Kiara  "Do you guys remember the incidence of 12July 2010" Carolyn brought up the issue I was so badly wishing wouldn't be brought up,this witch must die "Isn't that the day you were caught having an affair with your neighbors husband??" I said plainly then left,I need some air.

"Nessa, run as fast as you can and find some help!!!" "No, I can't leave you!" I said clutching to the dagger in my hand "Lily, wait........". What the hell was that????!! Its a flashback but it felt so real like it was just happening,that hasn't happened in a while.

"Day dreaming?"Ryan asked from behind me his focus at the sky,I couldn't reply coz I was too shocked by whatever that was "This has got to be the first time since we met that you don't have something to say" He chuckled still looking at the sky".  "Well, i don't need to speak all the time"  I said admiring the beautiful garden lit by the moonlight. "Would you mind if I kept you company?" Ryan said and I stupidly nodded,well can you blame me this man is so handsome Rows has been drooling since he spoke.He took a seat next to me and we chatted about many things,he told me things about himself and I told him things about myself (except my past).

When we were so engulfed in our chat that I noticed two things:1,we weren't arguing,2 we were chatting like long lost friends. Ryan noticed my silence and tapped my shoulder"Still day dreaming?" I felt fireworks were he touched me"Nah, just thinking...." He cut me off "About how were not arguing for the first time since we met?" I nodded and he smiled,I stood up and he followed my actions "Well, Ryan you turned out to be a cool guy" I said crossing my hands over my chest "Really?and why is that?" Ryan asked all amused  "Yeah,coz I thought you were this stuck up old guy but you proved me wrong" I said  smiling widely "That makes two of us coz I thought you were a spoiled little brat" He said trying to tap into my anger "I see what you're tryna do" I said this with a ghetto slang "well you......" Ryan was cut off by a horrified scream.

"What the hell was that??????" I asked looking at Ryan who seemed to already know what's going  on "Stay here"  Ryan said and turned on his heel taking giant steps,being the girl I am I didn't listen and followed behind which was difficult coz he was taking giant steps. The closer I got the stronger the scent of blood became, Ryan stopped unexpectedly and I bumped into his back  "I told you to stay back!!" Ryan said trying to block my view,I tried pishing him off but couldn't because he's made of pure muscle "Ryan,move" I said but he wouldn't budge."Ryan" I said this time looking himn directly in the eye,he lowered his head and moved and the site was totally gruesome blood everywhere, dead lifeless bodies,kids heart was bleeding and my heart filled with flames when I saw the idiot who caused it.

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